“Vicinity has created a new tier of advertising which sits alongside premium and above remnant. Premium Location increases publisher earning/e-CPM substantially above the levels achieved by Ad Exchanges. Our approach has always been to partner with publishers and work alongside (or independently) of their premium sales team. The message was and remains - you guys sell premium, we’ll take your remnant inventory, add our location USPs and turn it into something just as valuable. So publishers gain by effectively having two streams of premium income.”
2. Providing publishers with world class location technology
“We provide publishers with industry leading location technology and targeting, allowing them to provide their audience with really relevant communication. It’s communication that has utility - it actually helps their audience find offers that are close by and then engage further, all the way to the till if they so choose. Vicinity’s unique location enhanced ad unit increases relevance and that combined with its innovative design improves the user experience. The net effect is increased CTR and Ad Engagement. Publishers also learn exactly where their audience is, greatly assisting in their own commercial activities.”
3. Easy Implementation
“After a few false starts in 2014, we got our publisher integration down to a half an hour job requiring no real development resource. This has allowed us to scale the network rapidly and run numerous units with the same publishers, allowing best of breed optimisation, better performance, happy clients and repeat spend.”
4. A superior solution to programmatic
“The programmatic backlash is two-fold. Massive clients like P&G are moving away from the lazy trend of simply buying reach with no control, this affects publishers who partner with programmatic suppliers. More importantly, any self respecting publisher wants and deserves rate card integrity paired with advertising from the kinds of brands they want to be associated with. Vicinity provides a win-win in this regard. We offer clients an open network and publishers run campaigns from blue chip advertisers at a rate they deserve.”
5. The power of a network
“Being part of a major network has allowed some of our medium and smaller publisher partners to run big brand campaigns that they would never have access to. Our location optimisation process means we’re able to find area’s of performance across the network that a single premium publisher couldn’t achieve. This benefits our biggest clients as well as their reach is bolstered by the best performance from across our network.”
We have been working with Vicinity for two years, and their Mobile Advertising proposition has become an integral part of our Mobile landscape. Vicinity’s culture of ongoing innovation is providing e-NCA with an effective way to monetise mobile beyond our existing capability whilst still offering us the opportunity to extend our ad suite offering to our own valued direct clients.
- Yasin Ansari: e-NCA Digital
Vicinity's innovation in the location-based advertising space has allowed us to easily scale our mobile offering, while providing premium advertisers with the ability of hyper targeting the right individuals across the Tiso Blackstar audience, in a completely relevant context. Vicinity's accessibility coupled with their experience and knowledge within their field puts them first when it comes to providing this kind of opportunity for both sides.
- Di Clark: Tiso Blackstar: Advertising Product Manager

Vicinity Media’s entry into the content monetisation market came at a time when most media outlets were battling to reap the promised rewards of their growing digital audiences. The unprecedented growth of Vicinity Media’s market share since that time speaks volumes. What has always set Vicinity Media’s offering apart is their dedicated focus on the mobile user, typically the fastest growing segment amongst most online audiences. That focus was and remains honed in one simple proposition - relevance - serving immersive interactive campaign content within the context of a user’s real-time physical location. Such innovative product thinking, combined with their unique approach to managing relationships with media outlets, continues to make Vicinity Media one of the most exciting companies to partner with. As the technical liaison at one of Vicinity Media’s first media partners, I have been delighted to see Vicinity Media’s platform and market penetration grow from strength to strength, and I cannot wait to see what comes next.
- Themba Mazingi: M&G Digital
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