Guests arriving in Cadillacs
click to enlargeThe new Instagram page will also tie in with brunch related occasions hosted for its consumers around the country. The first event hosted by radio and TV personality Pabi Moloi took place at The Royale in Craighall Park where guests were treated to an interesting and unique way of enjoying brunch by incorporating various activities such as Karaoke Spinning, Beer Yoga and Salsa Aerobics.
The event which was attended by media, social media bloggers and industry influencers kicked off with a delectable brunch harverst and Flying Fish Chill Lite infused cocktails.

Guests enjoying Flying Fish Chill Lite
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Guests enjoying Salsa Aerobics
click to enlargeGuests were then hosted to a Karaoke Spinning class by Hloni Monku, followed by Beer Yoga with Jazmine Sehlako and ended off the morning with Salsa Aerobics by Delicia Arjuna.
According to Huffington Post, social media data collected through analytics from Crimson Hexagon, “boozy brunch” is predominantly a trend in large cities such as New York City and college towns such as State College, home to Pennsylvania State University. The trend in South Africa has grown in recent times and Flying Fish CHILL LITE saw an opportunity to create a niche platform for brunch lovers.

Guests who attended the event
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MC Pabi Moloi arriving in a Cadillac
click to enlarge“The Lite Brunch Collective is not only a social media platform but an event property where we will host brunch occasions for our consumers around the country in the most interesting places comments Marketing Manager, Colleen Duvenage at SAB INBev. Consumers looking to find the litest brunch recipes can go to the page @LiteBrunchCollective to get content on recipe ideas for brunch and suggestions on light cocktails that consumers can use.
The Chill Lite variant which comes in a Zesty Lemonade flavour, has 30% less calories, 35% less sugar and 35% less carbohydrates making it the perfect choice for consumers looking to enjoy something light.
Flying Fish Chill Lite is available nationally at reputable outlets in 440ml cans and 330ml non – refundable bottles.