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Study shows mobile or web only campaigns are over

The latest poll of over 5,000 respondents surveyed across the IAB SA publisher network has given the industry a deep level of understanding of the premium mobile audience, and it clearly shows that mobile doesn't offer advertisers just one small window of opportunity to view, but rather multiple opportunities on an ongoing basis. Mobile devices have become ubiquitous, and are now involved in almost every micro downtime moment that people have in their days.
Study shows mobile or web only campaigns are over

The survey asked questions about mobile usage, emotional attachment, spend, purchase behaviour, internet usage, expertise and influence, and advertising effectiveness. Once again, The SpaceStation has crunched the IAB SA numbers and compared them to AMPS and other industry data to draw a bigger picture of the mobile landscape in South Africa.

Says Gustav Goosen, CEO of The SpaceStation, "This survey is particularly interesting to the local market due to the lack of locally relevant data in South Africa. The results indicate a technology savvy audience of mobile users who expect the content and advertising they are receiving to be seamlessly integrated into their daily lives, and brands not communicating to consumers on all their devices are becoming increasingly irrelevant to consumers."

More than 75% of the mobile poll respondents use their mobiles while watching TV, when in bed, relaxing at home and every time they are alone. Emotional attachment to their mobile phone is an interesting insight with 75% feeling that they would be disconnected from the world without their mobiles, proving that mobile is the most intimate of media, and an extension of the person themselves.

Gustav adds, "Advertising campaigns need to match user behaviour and speak to a consumer across all devices throughout the day and night." This is backed by survey results showing that 64% of respondents use the internet on their mobile phones for reading current news or online articles as well as browsing advice and expert opinions. Reading newspapers and magazine content online is also very popular, with 55% consuming these, proving that consumers are switching between platforms and devices seamlessly.

For consumers who want to watch video content anywhere, follow live sporting events and stay up to date with news and information, mobile phones have revolutionised their worlds. Consumers expect a seamless interaction with brands regardless of what device they happen to be using at that moment. There are multiple opportunities for advertiser engagement on mobile throughout the day, regardless of the location of the consumer. These results make date, time and geo targeting options that are available for advertisers to target consumers on their mobiles very attractive. Coupled with stats from Nielsen like mobile ads being 1.6 times more effective than TV advertising when it came to general brand recall, premium mobile advertising has become essential for all brands.

Mobile users are receptive to advertising on their phones, as long as advertising is useful and relevant to them. 82% would notice or click on an ad if it's relevant to them and is something they need or want. 62% would notice or click on an ad if it demonstrated how to do something and, most importantly in the premium publishing and content environment, 73% would notice advertising effectiveness if the ad appeared on a website they trust and believe is safe. The ability for brands to be useful and relevant in consumer's lives creates an opportunity to increase brand loyalty.

With increase in smartphone penetration, the mobile market is set to grow substantially in the coming years. 88% of the SA population have a mobile phone, of which 41% are smartphones (AMPS BA 2014). 72% of South Africa's mobile phone users by the end of 2018 will be mobile internet users, representing a substantial portion of the population.

South Africa's internet advertising market is growing at twice the global rate, 22.7% in the next 5 years according to PwC. This mobile growth is fueled by increased mobile internet access, declining broadband prices and faster broadband. Likewise the creative formats and tech innovations available to advertisers are improving exponentially, offering a myriad of ways for brand to connect with and impress consumers.

Contact the team at The SpaceStation if you would like to see the full presentation of the IAB SA poll data, backed up by AMPS and other mobile resources. Visit the website to get in touch: or tweet us @SpaceStationZA.

21 Jan 2016 11:11
