EWSETA launches first regional office EWSETA unveiled its first regional office, housed at False Bay College, Westlake Campus, on 20 November 2014 at a launch held at the campus. Attendees included the likes of EWSETA Board Members, representatives and stakeholders, together with Senior Management from False Bay College, College Council Members and representatives from other colleges. The EWSETA aims to create skills for the sector and match employer needs within employee skills. The need to create a regional office was motivated by the imperative to facilitate better communication between the EWSETA and its member employees and stakeholders.  Errol Gradwell, EWSETA Chief Executive Officer; Mercy Sekano, EWSETA Chairperson; Cassie Kruger, False Bay College Chief Executive Officer and Principal  Cassie Kruger, Errol Gradwell, False Bay College Chief Executive Officer and Principal; EWSETA Chief Executive Officer; Petunia Ramunenyiwa, EWSETA Board Member; Mnonoki (Knox) Zhou Msebenzi, EWSETA Board Member
3 Feb 2015 15:40<<Back