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Oxbridge Academy is an established private college offering distance learning courses to students in South Africa and abroad.
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The road less travelled: How to credential stack towards career success
How one SA student earned her National Diploma – and how you can do it too! 5 Mar 2025 Read more

Bridging certificates provide a lifeline to further study
For students whose study plans have been disrupted due to not meeting minimum course requirements, bridging certificates offer a second chance to achieve their educational goals, says Siyavuya Makubalo, marketing manager at Oxbridge Academy, a brand of leading private education provider ADvTech. 30 Jan 2025 Read more

Distance learning - Can it prepare you for the workplace of the future?
Distance learning qualifications may prepare students for the workplaces of the future. 28 May 2019 Read more

Opportunities await OHS graduates as government seeks to create a fully-fledged industry
As government plans to make substantial changes to South Africa's Occupational Health and Safety Act - which will place stricter obligations on companies across all sectors - career opportunities in the OHS industry are expected to skyrocket, experts say. 10 May 2019 Read more

The 3-month upskilling programme that charts a new course for (almost) any career
Although it is the norm today for people to change direction a few times during their career, many are terrified of starting from scratch in a new field. For those people, there is a little-known option for further study - becoming a moderator or assessor - which will allow them to continue moving up the ladder, while also moving in an entirely new direction in their chosen field. 19 Mar 2019 Read more

Different routes for tackling matric through distance learning
Thousands upon thousands of learners who fail Matric every year are either unable or unwilling to return to school to complete their National Senior Certificate examinations, forcing them to join the relentlessly growing pool of South Africans who have little prospect of landing even an entry-level position. 18 Feb 2019 Read more

5 most popular distance courses 2019: What students are studying and why
Health and safety, as well as educare, have emerged as the top choices for thousands of students who will study via distance learning next year. These fields are closely followed by human resource management, engineering studies, and business management in the popularity stakes. 5 Dec 2018 Read more

Top tips for staying engaged and beating the job search blues
The latest youth unemployment figures released by StatsSA again illustrate the dire position in which young jobseekers find themselves, with little indication that the situation will ease in the near future. And, while the negative impact of youth unemployment on the country as a whole is significant, at an individual level it can be catastrophic. 10 Oct 2018 Read more

Tourism student numbers on the rise as industry opportunities grow
With the continued expansion of the tourism and hospitality industry in South Africa and the rest of Africa, prospective students are increasingly opting to qualify for a career in this industry, an expert says. 7 Aug 2018 Read more

Take control and nail your internship in 4 steps
In South Africa's tough job market, experience is an essential item on any CV. Yet these days, securing an internship to gain that experience is almost as hard as landing a job, and those who can get a foot in the door in this way should ensure that they make the most of the opportunity, an education expert says. 3 Jul 2018 Read more

How to choose a career if you have no idea what you want to do
Some young people know from an early age what they want to be when they grow up. The vast majority, however, have no such certainty, and when the time comes for them to decide what they want to study, making a choice is a process riddled with uncertainty and anxiety. 26 Apr 2018 Read more

How to change careers without checking out of life (or work) for three years
A recent study found that millennials change jobs about four times in their first decade out of college. Yet for many South Africans desperate not to lose their source of income, changing careers may feel like too big a risk to take, so they soldier on for years or even decades, despite being unfulfilled and unhappy. 6 Mar 2018 Read more

Great careers that don't require degree study (or even matric)
As hundreds of thousands of prospective students attempt to secure a place at public universities, with only a fraction of them likely to be accommodated due to limited capacity, education experts have highlighted the need for school-leavers to consider the many exciting careers that are accessible without degree study. 17 Jan 2018 Read more

How to change careers without checking out of life (or work) for three years
A recent study found that millennials change jobs about four times in their first decade out of college. Yet for many South Africans desperate not to lose their source of income, changing careers may feel like too big a risk to take, so they soldier on for years or even decades, despite being unfulfilled and unhappy. 3 Nov 2017 Read more

How to bounce back after serial job application disappointments
Being turned down time after time for jobs you've applied for can be intensely disheartening, but there are some proven actions candidates can take to ensure their applications improve over time, which in turn will improve their chances in the marketplace, an expert says. 4 Oct 2017 Read more

No matric but not without hope: SA adults turn to distance to boost career prospects
Not having a matric can be a tremendous hurdle, but adults finding themselves in this position should not think all their options are ruled out forever and that study is an impossibility, an expert says. 6 Sep 2017 Read more

Oxbridge Academy evolves with new online courses
Private distance learning college Oxbridge Academy has expanded their range of online courses. Following their vision of making excellent education accessible, the college continues to provide convenient options and solutions for young students, working students, and students who cannot afford transport and exorbitant fees. 22 May 2017 Read more

University or vocational training: How to choose what is right for you
With South Africa's high unemployment rates and limited university spaces, matriculants are often urged to opt for vocational training. But an education expert says that many people don't understand the various options available for school-leavers, and even fewer understand the opportunities available to those who follow the vocational training path. 9 May 2017 Read more

Announcement of scholarship recipients for Oxbridge Academy
Oxbridge Academy, in partnership with ADvTECH (the leader in private education in Africa), is thrilled to announce their scholarship recipients for 2017 in celebration of 20 years of excellence in education. 11 Apr 2017 Read more

Have you hit the glass ceiling?
Can you see the next level of employment, but can't get there despite quality work, relevant qualifications and sufficient experience? Is there a lack of upward mobility routes and opportunities in your company? 7 Mar 2017 Read more

Scholarship applications are still open
Oxbridge Academy, in partnership with ADvTECH (the leader in private education in Africa), is offering students a life with options. 27 Jan 2017 Read more

Oxbridge Academy announces 10 scholarships in celebration of two decades
Building our future as a country is more than a hopeful phrase or an ideal. It means collectively addressing our crisis in education. In celebration of 20 years of existence, distance learning private college Oxbridge Academy is thrilled to announce the launch of 10 full scholarships. 14 Dec 2016 Read more

Staying cyber security savvy
Not long ago, there was a meme circulating that went something like this: "Delete my browser history when I die." Our computers, mobile phones, and tablets contain insights into everything we do and are. This is not limited to internet searches, social media histories and threads of direct messages. It also includes online accounts and banking profiles, which are the most confidential aspects of our lives. 25 Nov 2016 Read more

Unpacking the digital divide 6 Oct 2016 Read more

Personal digital curation for the Millennial professional
In the dawn of the tech revolution, Millennial professionals have had to find new ways of navigating their personal and professional presence in the digital space. From privacy settings to approaching your online presence as a composition, we look at the creativity, foresight and introspection that goes into making personal digital curation work for you. 6 Sep 2016 Read more

Oxbridge Academy partners with ADvTECH Group
Oxbridge Academy has announced it has entered into a partnership with ADvTECH Group, South Africa's leading private education holdings group, with established education brands and recruitment brands. 24 Aug 2016 Read more

The Age of the Expert Entrepreneur and the value of upskilling
Identifying your niche in today's competitive space of specialists, experts and entrepreneurs can be daunting. We evaluate the importance of continued learning in the context of facilitating individual initiatives, self-branding, and self-development. 26 Jul 2016 Read more

Which jobs will be highest in demand over the next 10 years?
It's always important to plan ahead, especially when it comes to your career - you don't want to invest time and money in a profession that will be redundant in five years' time! You want to be ahead of the curve - which means you need to choose a profession that will remain in high demand, to make sure that the next 10 years will be your most lucrative. 30 Jun 2016 Read more

How much money does distance learning actually save you? We break it down
At Oxbridge Academy, we have always held that one of the biggest benefits of distance learning is that it saves students money. To back up this claim, we decided to find out just how much you save - if anything at all - when you opt to do your course via distance learning, instead of at a campus-based college. 1 Jun 2016 Read more

A degree simply isn't enough anymore
In today's job market you can't rely on an old qualification to keep giving your career momentum 19 May 2016 Read more

Empowering women starts with education
If we want to see more women in leadership positions across South Africa, we have to start with a focus on good education. This is the sentiment shared by Oxbridge Academy's group of exemplary female managers, including Siphokazi Vamva, who currently runs Oxbridge Academy's new Pretoria office. 26 Apr 2016 Read more

The often overlooked impact of e-learning
South Africa faces a wide range of social and economic problems, from access to affordable tertiary education, to a skills shortage across a number of key industries. Though it would be over-optimistic to say that online learning alone can solve these and other problems, the increased growth of e-learning in South Africa is having a widespread, and surprisingly often overlooked, impact on South African society. 25 Feb 2016 Read more

Oxbridge Academy rewards students for succeeding against the odds
Oxbridge Academy is awarding three students the Oxbridge Academy Medal for Succeeding Against the Odds in recognition of the fact that they have succeeded in their studies despite the profound personal, financial, physical and social hardships they have had to overcome. 28 Jan 2016 Read more

Acting Hope becomes Oxbridge Academy's NPO platform
Oxbridge Academy is proud to announce that the non-profit organisation Acting Hope has now become the college's official NPO. This announcement coincides with Acting Hope's annual Hope International Pageant, which is taking place this November and December, and where finalists will be judged on much more than just traditional pageantry criteria. 17 Nov 2015 Read more

Education as rehabilitation at Goodwood Correctional Services
For the last four years, Oxbridge Academy has been involved in Goodwood Correctional Services' rehabilitative educational and vocational training programme. We recently talked to Glory Shabangu, the Education & Training manager at this correctional facility, about the work they do and the role education plays in solving one of the biggest social problems facing South Africa. 23 Oct 2015 Read more

The 10 highest-paying careers you can go into without a degree
While university qualifications are often regarded as a prerequisite for a well-paying career, university education is out of the question for many South Africans. And a university qualification in itself is also no longer a guarantee that you will find a job. 17 Sep 2015 Read more

Colleges, charity, and corporate social responsibility
Throughout the past two months, staff and management at Oxbridge Academy have been collecting blankets, clothes, food, and other items for our 'Keep Stellenbosch Warm' charity drive. This drive was about more than just making a single donation, however. It formed part of Oxbridge Academy's overall commitment to corporate social responsibility as a growing company and distance learning college. 20 Aug 2015 Read more

Oxbridge Academy rewards students for succeeding against the odds
Studying, whether for a school exam, a college course, or a university programme, is a demanding task on its own. Yet many students across South Africa complete their studies despite immense personal or social hardships. For this reason Oxbridge Academy wants to give recognition to, and reward, those students who have managed to succeed in their studies despite the odds. 29 Jul 2015 Read more

Students say Oxbridge Academy's service is top-notch
Oxbridge Academy awarded its 30,000th certificate this month, testifying to its position as a leading distance learning provider in South Africa. But graduation numbers alone do not tell a full story. Wanting to know exactly what our students thought about studying at Oxbridge Academy, we asked all those who graduated during the past year to tell us more about their experiences of studying with us. 17 Jun 2015 Read more

Short courses in the South African labour market
Oxbridge Academy has been developing its short course programme throughout the past year to include a wide range of subjects and fields of study. The reason behind this, according to the college's MD, Barend van den Berg, is in part a response to particular issues prevalent in the South African labour market. 19 May 2015 Read more

Oxbridge Academy and LH Education launch internationally accredited accounting school
Oxbridge Academy recently launched its brand new finance and accounting school in Pretoria after a merger with financial training institute, LH Education (LHE), earlier this year. The newly founded Oxbridge Training Institute (OTI) will offer, amongst other financial courses, the internationally accredited AAT accounting courses across South Africa via blended learning. The vision for OTI is to become the preferred provider in offering quality finance programmes linked to professional membership bodies. 31 Mar 2015 Read more

Turned away from university? Here are your options
"The future of our youth does not only lie in going to university, or in going to university the first time you finish matric." - Minister of Higher Education and Training, Blade Nzimande 2 Mar 2015 Read more

Oxbridge Academy's phenomenal November 2014 exam results
Oxbridge Academy has been able to boast with phenomenal exam pass rates for a number of years now. And in November 2014, the college saw some of its highest exam pass rates to date. 22 Jan 2015 Read more

How social media is changing the face of distance learning
Distance learning is often defined by what it lacks in relation to traditional campus or classroom learning: physical proximity. Physical proximity not only to teachers and college facilities, but more importantly, to other students. However, with social media rapidly transforming every facet of our modern lives, the 'distance' in distance learning has become increasingly mitigated by a virtual sense of student body. 9 Dec 2014 Read more

Earn your next salary increase through distance learning
Most companies only award salary increases once a year during annual salary or performance reviews. Though such salary adjustments are always welcome, they rarely put you ahead of inflation and the rising cost of living. What you ideally want to get is an increase substantial enough to push you into that next income bracket. Increases like these, however, need to be earned. 15 Oct 2014 Read more

Why FET colleges are changing their names to TVET colleges
At the launch of the departmental "White Paper on Post-School Education and Training" on 15 January 2014, the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Blade Nzimande, announced that all FET (Further Education and Training) colleges are to be renamed to TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training) colleges. 20 Sep 2014 Read more

Setting yourself apart in OHS with Oxbridge Academy
As one of South Africa's many distance learning colleges, we at Oxbridge Academy understand how important it is to stand apart from the competition. This is because the only way for us to establish ourselves as a leader in South African education is to make sure our students themselves are able to stand out in a competitive job market once they finish their courses with us. 10 Sep 2014 Read more

Oxbridge Academy launches new brand
Oxbridge Academy has enjoyed an established market position and brand identity within South African distance learning education since its inception in 1997. However, the educational landscape in South Africa has undergone major changes over the past 17 years, and to keep up with these changes (and to better meet the needs of our students), we decided that we needed to undergo a re-branding exercise. 24 Jul 2014 Read more

Three reasons why secretaries are invaluable
Ask any manager or CEO to describe their secretary, and they will often use words such as "invaluable", "my right hand", "efficient", "integral part of the team" and "serious multitasker". Being a great secretary is not simply about organising the manager's diary or typing up notes. In fact, good secretaries are worth their weight in gold, as they are responsible for making sure that the office runs smoothly, no matter what. 21 Jun 2014 Read more