Chief Executive Officer: Nick Efstathiou az.oc.puorgaidemlartnec@kcin
Sales and Marketing Manager: Anchen Lintvelt az.oc.mfo@nehcna
Programme Manager: Tim Thabethe az.oc.mfo@mit
News Editor: Morné van Rooyen az.oc.mfo@rvenrom
Brand Manager: Bianca Smit az.oc.mfo@acnaibContact Information
Tel: 0515050900
Fax: 0515050906
Traffic Hotline: 084 222 9497
Breaking News Hotline: 082 3701 268
Studio:089 510 24 24
OFM SMS Number:36OFM - that is 36636 (R1.50/sms)
OFM Telegram number: 084 222 9497
Bloemfontein Main office Address:
Central Media Park, 7 Christo Groenewald Street, Wild Olive Estate, Bloemfontein, 9301
Welkom Studio Street Address:
OFM, Goldfields Mall, Buiten St, Welkom Central, Welkom, 9459