ABC Q4 2024: Magazines show resilience in 2024

The ABC has released the final quarter's circulation for 2024, with Custom magazines leading the way for another good showing by the Magazine category.
The ABC Q4 2024 figures have been released. Image by Lesley Svenson, Bizcommunity
The ABC Q4 2024 figures have been released. Image by Lesley Svenson, Bizcommunity

The Magazine category has shown excellent resilience this year, finding some good momentum from the first quarter of 2024 when it had a 7.6% growth.

Q2 2024 circulation for magazines also showed upward movement with quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year increases.

While Q3, as in Q2, was led by a good showing in the Consumer and B2B categories, Custom magazines have come to the fore in Q4.

However, in all quarters Free magazines have continued its drip-drip decline.

In Q4 the ABC introduced a new category in magazines, grassroots magazines.

Consumer magazines

The average total was a decrease of 4.5% on the previous quarter and an increase of 2.1% on the prior year.

Despite the decline on the previous quarter there were some highlights in the category.

The only publication in the conservation & Wildlife category, African Birdlife had good increases on the previous quarter and prior year.

The Farming category also had good increases for three of its four publications with Grond tot Mond with double-figure increases of almost 12% on the previous quarter.

The Home sector had five publications increase on the previous quarter and three on the prior year.

The biggest increase – and the only double-figure increase in the sector - was 12.8% on the previous quarter from Conde Nast Home & Garden.

The only double-figure decrease and the biggest decrease in this sector is Gardener / Tuiner with a decline of 29% on the previous quarter.

The Women’s General sector has four publications out of the nine showing an increase on the previous quarter.

Kuier was the best-performing publication on the previous quarter and Glamour had an increase of 48.7% on the prior year. It is the only publication to show an increase on the prior year.

Five of the publications saw a decrease, with a double figure decrease for Fair Lady.

There was no good news for the Family Interest category with three of the four publications showing decreases and one publication, Lig, having resigned.

The Leisure sector had a new member and the Male sector had two new members, Men’s Health and Women’s Health.

Arts, Culture and Heritage     
PublicationFrequencyFree circulationTotal circulation% change quarter% change year
Jewish LifeMtly8,4508,4500.3%0.0%
Val de Vie Magazine2xA0No Issue
Business and News     
BusinessBriefAltM1,71231,5860.0%Changed Sector
Fast CompanyQ8851,407New Member
Financial MailWkly, Th2,84518,030-0.1%21.1%
Forbes AfricaAltM4,68610,9760.9%3.9%
SA Real Estate Investor MagazineMtly15,73215,732-2.6%Changed Sector
The Big Issue Magazine11xA3375,20418.9%-24.4%
The Little issueQ0New Member
Conservation and Wildlife     
African BirdlifeAltM1,9178,1248.5%6.2%
Family Interest     
HuisgenootWkly, Th89374,455-2.1%-13.4%
Plus 506xA04,454-0.9%-5.5%
YouWkly, Th50234,337-3.6%-20.4%
Farmer's WeeklyWkly, Fr4625,5331.4%-5.0%
Grond tot MondQ25,89425,89411.9%-20.2%
Health & Wellbeing     
Grow to Eat3xA0Changed Frequency
Conde Nast House & Garden6xA4,72210,56912.8%19.0%
Essential FlavoursQ6,2597,3456.4%New Member
Food&Home MagazineQ0No Issue
Lose It6xA05,854No Issue
SA Home Owner11xA3,88414,7884.1%-7.8%
Sarie Kos / FoodQ70010,8689.0%-0.9%
The Gardener / Die TuinierMtly2,17220,162-29.0%5.1%
Tuis Home8xA95955,345-2.2%3.5%
YourLuxury AfricaMtly19,65219,6520.1%New Member
Men's HealthAltM5,2369,597New Member
Women's HealthAltM4,6369,313New Member
Driven MagazineMtly6,5066,506-2.4%-1.4%
Baba & KleuterQ0No Issue
Baby's and BeyondQ12,94913,265-0.1%35.3%
Your Pregnancy and BabyAltM1,3454,800-9.5%0.1%
Sport and Hobby     
Compleat GolferMtly3,6086,3654.7%-41.0%
SA RugbyMtly1,0772,747-39.6%-64.4%
Travel, Tourism & Hospitality     
Cape Etc3xA4,8507,213-4.6%No Issue
go! Drive & Camp and Weg! Ry & SleepAltM019,695-8.7%-1.4%
Inbound SAMtly9,9269,9260.0%New Member
Weg / Go PlattelandQ28014,4153.6%-4.6%
Woman's General     
BONA MagazineMtly2,98010,4191.8%-21.6%
Garden & Home MagazineMtly90010,5277.1%-25.7%
Rooi Rose MagazineMtly5,39224,7290.5%-15.3%
True LoveQ1,85010,389-5.7%-12.2%
Women & Home MagazineMtly3,53919,389-0.7%-12.5%
Woman's Special     
Wedding GuideAnn0Terminated

B2B magazines

A 50:50 affair for B2B publications with a decrease of 2.6% overall for the category on the previous quarter and an increase of 11.7% for the category on the prior year.

The Management category saw seven of its 11 publications increase on the previous quarter with three publications showing massive increases due to changing sectors.

The Hospitality sector also had good prior year increases with half of its 14 publications posting positive figures on the prior year. However, the category did not have any publications with increases on the previous quarter.

Sectors with publications with increases include Civil Construction, Architecture, Engineering Other, Health & Wellbeing and Retail.

Retail continued its good run from Q3 while the Health & Wellbeing sector dropped from seven publications up on the previous quarter in Q3 to only three up on the previous quarter.

PublicationFrequencyFree circulationTotal circulation% change quarter% change year
OVK Nuus/News4xA4,7754,7750.0%1.5%
SA Graan / GrainMtly20,20320,2030.3%-4.0%
Floors in Africa7xA12,50312,503-2.3%Changed Sector
Leading Architect & Design6xA5,2055,2340.5%-8.2%
To Build4xA8,1019,8500.7%0.6%
Walls & Roofs in Africa7xA12,50312,503-2.3%Changed Sector
SA TreadsQ4,5494,54921.8%Changed Sector
Civil Construction     
Civil EngineeringMtly15,15115,1582.6%Changed Sector
Construction WorldMtly16,16216,162-5.2%-6.9%
Spec HandbooksAnn0No Issue
Future SA4xA0No Issue
ServiceQ4,9634,9630.0%No Issue
Electrical Engineering     
Electricity & ControlMtly9,6789,678-8.0%-23.1%
ESI Africa2xA4,5304,530No Issue-6.8%
Sparks Electrical NewsMtly13,90613,906-6.3%-8.0%
Engineering - Other     
Capital Equipment NewsMtly12,32212,322-8.6%-10.8%
Go2Energy Technical Journal2xA0No IssueChanged Sector
MechChem AfricaAltM10,59310,593-4.9%-2.3%
Motion ControlQ1,6741,674-0.6%-9.7%
Plumbing AfricaMtly12,20812,2370.4%-7.1%
Refrigeration and AirconditioningMtly7,1177,1240.3%-11.1%
SA Instrumentation & ControlMtly3,8103,810-4.0%-5.8%
Water & Sanitation Africa6xA7,8727,872-2.0%No Issue
Health and Wellbeing     
Fire ProtectionQ1,9231,923126.2%Changed Sector
Medical Chronicle11xA33,43633,4363.3%20.2%
Modern Medicine Magazine6xA3,1943,637-14.7%-9.4%
SMART Security Solutions8xA4,1384,1383.4%6.5%
South African Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review11xA2,7882,790-4.1%-6.3%
The Specialist Forum Journal11xA28,72828,728-0.1%21.7%
Hospitality, Catering and Tourism     
Analytical Reporter6xA1,8911,891-61.4%-62.5%
Cold Link Africa8xA3,9583,961-2.5%9.5%
Free State BusinessAnn0No IssueNo Issue
Gauteng CompaniesAnn4,9654,965No IssueNo Issue
Lighting in DesignQ0Ceased Publishing
Limpopo BusinessAnn4,9614,961No Issue0.4%
Mpumalanga BusinessAnn4,9634,963No Issue0.2%
North West BusinessAnn4,9674,967No IssueNo Issue
Opportunity (Exploring Business Prospects in SAQ4,9604,9600.0%0.5%
South African Business2xA7,4687,468No Issue0.5%
South African Food Review11xA3,2663,275-1.9%-14.5%
The Journal of African BusinessQ4,9654,9650.0%0.3%
Western Cape BusinessAnn4,9584,958No Issue0.4%
Information and Computer Technology     
African DecisionsQ0No Submission
Black Business QuarterlyQ33,07333,1716.5%-6.9%
Blue ChipQ8,4508,45013.3%13.5%
ESG - Future of SustainabiltyAnn2,9012,901202.2%Changed Sector
FA NewsAltM2,7212,862-0.9%-1.7%
Money MarketingMtly5,8405,840-1.0%-12.3%
Public Sector LeadersMtly12,61012,610645.7%Changed Sector
South African Business IntergratorQ9,8149,8560.2%1.4%
Top 500 : South Africa's Best Managed CompaniesAnn7,5447,5441494.9%Changed Sector
Top Women LeadersAnn10,67110,671No IssueChanged Sector
Mining & Quarrying     
African Mining Inc. Mining MirrorMtly23,50923,556-4.8%-16.1%
Engineering News & Mining WeeklyWkly, Fr15,27717,5873.2%19.3%
Mining Review Africa6xA4,5794,579-4.4%-4.9%
Modern MiningMtly9,7209,720-5.9%-33.1%
Modern QuarryingQ7,0157,015-3.4%-0.4%
DIY And Industrial Trade NewsMtly7,7427,742-10.4%-13.5%
Pharmacy Magazine (former Frontshop11xA19,92619,9262.0%7.1%
Supermarket & RetailerMtly20,71820,71811.8%Changed Sector
Transport and Logistics     
Freight News FeaturesMtly5,0035,1691.9%-15.2%

Custom magazines

This category continued its good performance in Q3 in this quarter.

The category stands out this quarter with some good increases on the previous quarter and the prior year, which shows in its average total figures of a 7% increase on the previous quarter and a 20% increase on the prior year.

Nearly all sectors had some good news, with the Home, Male, Women’s General and Youth sectors all showing increases on the previous quarter and the prior year.

Retail and Sport and Hobby also had good increases.

Stand-out increases on the previous quarter include Kids Super Club, SportsClub, SoccerClub, Jet Club, Man and My Kitchen.

PublicationFrequencyFree circulationTotal circulation% change quarter% change year
Dairy Mail, TheMtly0No Submission
Wolboer / Wool FarmerAltM0No SubmissionChanged Sector
Health & Wellbeing     
SA Pharmaceutical Journal10xA6,6426,6424.1%-2.3%
South African Medical JournalMtly11,60411,604-3.5%30.9%
Living SpaceMtly2,35940,2576.4%9.1%
My KitchenMtly3,895101,34314.9%18.8%
Industry Specific     
J S EQ12,99214,7420.1%2.0%
Sea Rescue3xA18,00018,000-8.1%17.3%
The Journal of the SAIMMMtly2,1392,1393.5%Changed Sector
In Flight MagazineMtly51,18251,182-7.3%22.9%
Private Edition4xA9,9659,965-0.2%6.2%
Accountancy SAMtly66,28766,287-1.5%Changed Sector
De Rebus11xA41,71859,286-0.7%Changed Sector
Club MagazineMtly6,978256,2568.7%6.3%
Jet Club7xA8,505275,43013.8%-1.5%
Sport and Hobby     
Game & Hunt/Wild & JagMtly65,16066,020-1.1%-2.9%
Wildland MagazineMtly86,69386,6931.4%Changed Sector
Travel, Tourism & Hospitality     
Rove SAQ12,03812,421-4.0%27.0%
Woman's General     
Balanced LifeMtly3,50650,6509.8%13.7%
Kids Super ClubMtly3,10584,94912.8%22.7%

Free magazines

There was not much change in this category, but with a very small increase of 0.1% on the previous quarter there was a glimmer of hope.

Q4 saw three publications with increases on the previous quarter, up on the only one in Q3.

The news for Q4 on the prior year was less hopeful with a decrease of over six percent on the prior year.

Four publications, Get It (Jo'burg West), Get It (Jo'burg South), Get It (Pretoria) and Get It (Northern Suburbs Joburg) have decreased on the prior year from 19% to over 20%.

PublicationFrequencyTotal circulation% change quarter% change year
Botswana AdvertiserF99,9650.0%0.0%
Get It (Ballito to UmhlangaMtly11,9780.1%-2.6%
Get It (BloemfonteinMtly6,8900.0%0.0%
Get It (HighwayMtly11,8660.2%-0.1%
Get It (Jo'burg SouthMtly11,700-0.1%-20.7%
Get It (Jo'burg WestMtly11,0521.5%-19.9%
Get It (LowveldMtly6,4000.0%3.2%
Get It (Northern Suburbs JoburgMtly11,800-0.3%-20.2%
Get It (PretoriaMtly11,646-0.2%-20.5%


This is the first time this category has been included and so there is no data for comparison.

PublicationPublisherFrequencyTotal circulation
Al-Qalam KZN IssueAl-QalamMtly10,000
Al-Qalam National IssueAl-QalamMtly28,000
BT NewsBTNEWSMtly5,000
Dizindaba Iphephandaba lesiXhosaDizindaba MediaWkly, Th0
DURBAN NORTH NEWSTabloid MediaWkly, Wed32,000
KATHU GAZETTESapphire Dawn Trading 24CCWkly, Th5,000
LADYSMITH HERALDTabloid MediaWkly, Tue32,000
Pondoland TimesQuan DambuzaWkly, Fr5,000
NEWCASTLE EXPRESSTabloid MediaWkly, Tue32,000
Platinum BushvelderPlatinum WeeklyWkly, Th25,000
Platinum WeeklyPlatinum WeeklyWkly, Th25,000
Witzenberg HeraldWitzenberg HeraldMtly3,000

Tables by Andre Rademan © Bizcommunity

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