A brand is a promise

Thiloshini Ramdass, brand manager for Imperial Logistics says: "With 11 years' experience within the communication and brand field, I can confidently say that every brand has many stories to tell - these stories engage, inform, surprise, delight, and impact their audience... and I am the conduit between the brand and the media. Being in an industry that ensures getting the right product, in the right quantity, in the right condition, at the right place, at the right time and at the right cost to clients, this motivates me." We wanted to know more about Ramdass' brand story and passion for her logistics brand.
Thiloshini Ramdass
Thiloshini Ramdass

What does brand management mean to you?

Brand management simply means, in a nutshell, when you put your brand on something, it’s a testimony to the world that this is what you harvest, and as a brand manager I take full responsibility to uphold, promote and influence public opinion favourably over the brand.

Tell us about a day in your work life.

Firstly coffee, coffee, coffee. A hefty part of my portfolio is assisting my marketing executive, Michelle Neilson, in media monitoring, copywriting and responding to imperative requests that ascends. In addition, my work involves creating briefs for seasonal advertising campaigns, arranging interviews, creating press releases that encompasses company accomplishments/services and endeavours we’ve undertaken. However, every day is different, from content management to advertising to media management and the list goes on….

What’s on your wish list for brand objectives for 2016?

To have a widespread consistency and synergy of the brand and to align all stakeholders, clients and employees to the strategic corporate positioning of the brand throughout the group.

What do you love most about your brand?

A brand is a promise! When I think Imperial, my thoughts are co-collaborator - working with our clients to unlock their competitive advantage. I love that Imperial is planted in hearts and minds and is memorable. There are so many elements within the brand that portrays the strength of the brand. To name a few – diverse combined skills, driving competitiveness, delivering value.

Is your brand using content as part of your marketing strategy?

Yes – content is a solid influencer and definitely part of our marketing strategy. I ensure that our content best matches our brand’s voice. Having a creative mind I get to interact with likeminded individuals, learn on a daily basis and take on new challenges.

What do you see currently as the main challenges and/or opportunities for your brand sector?

With Imperial being so diverse and a decentralised business with many companies in the group, each with their own identity and brand, it sometimes poses a challenge for these businesses to co-brand. Creating synergy between the Imperial companies working together enhances both profitability and the valuation of the brand for both parties.

What do you love most about the South African consumer?

Imperial is a business to business company. However, I admire South African consumers for their brand consciousness and demand for quality products. We have a keen eye for what’s hot and what’s not. By keeping these triggers in mind, consumer facing businesses can build a creative landscape crafted to perfection for the eyes of the South African market.

What are your own personal favourite brands?

The brand I admire and respect is Coke. Coke is very confident in their brand, hence they have such large consumer loyalty. Besides the product being delicious, it’s the marketing that is the backbone and that makes the brand sparkle! As someone that takes time to get involved in CSI activities, Coke invests in communities and give back to the community in many ways. The name campaign was epic - #shareacoke. A brilliant form of advertising!

Although South Africa is not quite yet integrated, South African consumers loves solid brands, it gives us a sense of being a part of something bigger!

What brand marketing campaign have you noticed and been impressed by recently/ever?

Again Coke! This was a huge splash and far more than an advertising idea! This was/is a ground breaking innovation and it all excellently incorporated the iconic Coke logo. Apart from being so innovative, it completely fuelled social media amongst family and friends across the globe.

About Cari Van Wyk

Cari Coetzee is a contributor to Bizcommunity Tourism, Agriculture and Lifestyle.
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