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 | IMRAN SALIE Nkosi has taken over from Izak Louw, who has returned to the company's product and pricing department...read |
|  | Discover the most popular articles, most-read contributors and brand press offices with the most views on Bizcommunity's Automotive site over the past year...read |
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Automotive |
 | ISSUED BY AUTOTRADER The second annual South African #ElectricCarChallenge, charged by AutoTrader has just taken place. Electric vehicle (EV) expert and AutoTrader CEO George Mienie - who participated in the event - says it served to highlight (and also resolve) some issues relating to new energy vehicles in the country... Read |
 | ISSUED BY AUTOTRADER There aren't many electric cars on our roads. Most South Africans have never even seen an electric vehicle, never mind driven one. Understandably, little is known about them. And that leads to misconceptions. But those in the know can tell a very different story... Read |
Fuel & Energy |
 | South Africa must wean itself off coal if locally produced electric vehicles - a key element of the government's decarbonisation plan - are to be climate-friendly... Read |
Launches & Reviews |
 | NARESH MAHARAJ The question is, can you fit more fun, a smooth ride and fuel efficiency into a compact car? The answer is an emphatic yes. Read |
 | NARESH MAHARAJ As one of the most popular vehicles in the rapidly growing mini SUV segment, the introduction of the EcoSport Active adds a greater dose of distinctive style and a more rugged appearance to the local EcoSport line-up... Read |
Safety |
 | YOULON NAIDOO, ISSUED BY MIWAY As 2022 draws to a close, many South Africans are already dreaming about padkos, playlists and a well-deserved road trip with loved ones... Read |
Africa |
 | BERNADETTE VERSFELD Businesses that export goods to Kenya, have until 1 January 2023 to register their Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) with the ACA... Read |
Business |
 | NEIL THOMAS STACEY Boiler-tube failures are the leading cause of load shedding... Read |
 | The 2022 Q3 Credit Stress Report shows some alarming trends in the four most credit-active South African customer segments in the Eighty20 National Segmentation... Read |
 | EVAN-LEE COURIE Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, Marko Stavrou is a fourth-generation Cypriot who started his business career at the tender of 13. Now at 18, he's running HustlersGlobal, and a consulting company called Stavrou Consulting... Read |
 | An incredible 95% of consumers surveyed in the 2022 report felt it was essential to support local businesses... Read |
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 | The SU Language Centre offers research-based, language-related products and services to people from diverse educational backgrounds, so that they can enhance their communication skills to be more successful in life. |
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