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 | TENNILLE BELL Change is never easy, but it is the only real way to achieve efficiency, particularly in warehousing... read |
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 | ISSUED BY BIZCOMMUNITY.COM The Biz Most Read Awards is the monthly accolade for companies to claim rightful recognition for business content activity and impressively amplified impressions for their company news and views.... Read |
Distribution |
 | NQOBILE DLUDLA Takealot Group, which includes Takealot.com, Mr D Food and Superbalist, is pushing further into townships and growing its new grocery partnership to defend its market share... Read |
Shipping |
 | BHARGAV ACHARYA South African manufacturing activity improved in October, but rolling power cuts and a crippling strike at freight rail and ports company Transnet prevented a stronger recovery... Read |
 | IRENE LAURO As global warming intensifies, extreme weather events such as droughts have become more frequent and their economic damage more significant... Read |
Transport |
 | TANIA BROUGHTON Ex-Prasa contractor "rightly found by the high court to have been complicit to the corruption, impropriety and maladministration"... Read |
 | Uber is currently offering women 50% off 10 rides to and from areas that are less safe in Durban... Read |
 | ISSUED BY HUAWEI Together with Huawei, Tianjin Port in China has built an intelligent horizontal transport system, achieved through unified data sharing using smart technologies such as 5G, cloud computing, big data and IoT... Read |
Business |
 | According to the South African Loyalty Whitepaper, 79% of consumers who use loyalty programmes claim to use Clicks ClubCard, while Pick n Pay Smart Shopper is the second most popular... Read |
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