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 | ROBIN FREDERICKS Coming from an agency background, Sebelebele believes it is a great training ground for establishing herself as the professional that she is today... read |
 | ISSUED BY BIZCOMMUNITY.COM This August we take a moment to thank each and every one of you - partners, publishers, advertisers, recruiters and readers, who have entrusted us with 21 years of your industry news... Read |
| |  | ROBIN FREDERICKS In a world where industries such as engineering, construction and logistics are typically male-dominated, Eastern Cape-born entrepreneur, Siphokazi Matsha, founder and chief executive of the logistics company, Go-Girl Logistic, is determined to change the status quo... Read |  | |
Logistics & Transport |
 | Companies wishing to nominate their exceptional truck drivers for #ThankYouTrucker have until Saturday 3 September to make their nominations for this year's competition. Read |
Aviation |
 | ALEXANDER WINNING The airline reported a pretax loss of 9.861bn shillings ($82.35m) versus a loss of 11.542bn a year earlier... Read |
 | SCOTT EDMUNDSON The National Treasury has published the Taxation Law Amendment Bill. This bill, effective from 1 January 2023 will have important tax consequences for lessors in the airline industry... Read |
Railway |
 | NELSON BANYA Transnet has announced a deadlock in wage negotiations, with two labour unions raising the prospect of a strike that could further cripple the state-owned logistics company and impact Africa's most advanced economy... Read |
 | Transnet has completed investigations into incidents which led to the suspension of the Blue Train service in the latter part of the 2021/22 financial year, paving the way for services to resume... Read |
Business |
 | Online shopping accounts for the majority of consumer complaints received by South Africa's Consumer Goods and Services Ombud (CGSO), according to its latest annual report... Read |
 | High-performing mathematics and science students are invited to apply for Sasol's all-inclusive bursaries to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) degrees at approved South African public universities in 2023... Read |
 | Solar farm developers need to carefully consider the impact of glint and glare from photovoltaic (PV) panels... Read |
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 | Burnesseo is a digital marketing company that offers SEO consultancy services. We pride ourselves in being an independent and self-sufficient SEO agency, which means we'll never take on any jobs we can't handle. |
 | Designer Pool Covers are world leaders in the supply and installation of automatic & manual pool covers. |
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