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 | PAULO DE MATOS Different parts of the world have experienced supply chain disruptions at different times due to different reasons... read |
Logistics & Transport |
 | ISSUED BY BIZCOMMUNITY.COM The term 'persona' is attributed to Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, referring to an individual's 'social facade' or 'face presented to the world which reflects the role in life that the individual is playing and makes a definite impression upon others'... Read |
Distribution |
 | Cross-border e-commerce is expected to account for 38% of all e-commerce transactions globally by value in 2023... Read |
 | Ekurhuleni Municipality has approved the connection of a large solar PV plant and battery system at PepsiCo sub-Saharan Africa's Gauteng distribution centre... Read |
Railway |
 | NELSON BANYA Transnet on Friday invited bids from the private sector to operate sections of its freight network as it seeks to improve deteriorating infrastructure that is damaging the country's mining sector... Read |
Supply Chain |
 | The Competition Commission of South Africa has launched a public market inquiry into the fresh produce market to examine whether or not there are any features in its value chain which lessen, prevent, or distort the competitiveness... Read |
Transport |
 | The Department of Transport has again extended the grace period for renewing expired driving licences to 15 April 2021... Read |
 | ASTRID R.N. HAAS Kampala's current transport system is not working to the benefit of its users, its operators or the government. It is not providing a mobility service... Read |
Africa |
 | DANETTE BREITENBACH Netflix's success in producing local content has led to the production of the third season of Blood & Water... Read |
Business |
 | Despite the R1.50 reduction on the General Fuel Levy, the fuel price increases for April will keep fuel prices at a record high... Read |
 | Finally, after 750 days of South Africa being under lockdown, the National State of Disaster has been lifted... Read |
 | The amount of new vehicle sales for March in South Africa is the highest monthly total since pre-pandemic October 2019... Read |
 | DANIELLE SENEKAL Digital platforms are always evolving, shedding their skin to adapt to changes in the business environment, consumer demands and competitive pressures... Read |
 | IVAN SWARTZ Over the past two years we have seen a significant shift in the SA social impact space towards greater collaboration and partnerships... Read |
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