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 | The Department of Tourism has announced that South Africa has achieved the highest ranking in the African region in the Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) according to the World Economic Forum... read |
Hospitality |
 | Adopting a hyper-personalised approach to the guest experience can help luxury hospitality brands to engender customer loyalty and drive repeat business... Read |
 | SFUNDO PARAKOZOV Tsogo Sun reported a 6% fall in full-year adjusted headline earnings due to diesel costs from Eskom's blackouts, spending R100m. Read |
Tourism |
 | Wine industry leaders gathered at the Cape Town International Convention Centre on 23 May, urging a focus on sustainable practices and long-term growth to position South Africa as a world leader in the wine industry. Their message: believe, implement strategies, and pay it forward... Read |
 | The South African Tourism Services Association, in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit and e-learning platform, Ating, has launched Bridging the Digital Divide, a programme to upskill individuals and create pathways into the tourism industry... Read |
 | In celebration of International Day of Biodiversity on 22 May, the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway Company highlighted its commitment to responsible tourism and its ongoing efforts to protect the rich biodiversity of Table Mountain National Park... Read |
Travel |
 | Severe turbulence causes one fatality and injuries on a Singapore Airlines flight from London, diverting to Bangkok... Read |
 | The travel sector is experiencing a significant transformation, as experienced travel agents trade their desks for the independence of working as freelance travel agents or owning their own agencies... Read |
Africa |
 | SHAN RADCLIFFE This Africa Month welcomed the launch of #AfricaJobsBoard - an online initiative run by non-profit Afrorama that aims to connect social impact jobseekers with opportunities and organisations across Africa... Read |
International |
 | ARVIND RAICHUR The fusion of technology and healthcare has reshaped how organisations approach employee wellness, and telehealth is at the forefront of this change... Read |
 | LINDSEY SCHUTTERS News Corp and OpenAI partner to enhance AI with trusted journalism; Google threatens funding cuts amid California regulatory battles… Read |
Business |
 | MOHAMMED SAYED Often, the first thing that comes to mind on mention of the acronym ESG (environmental, social and governance) is reducing carbon footprint, and generally, implementing sustainable energy solutions along with this... Read |
 | Discovery Bank's new home loan product offers personalised rates and up to 1% interest reduction through effective money management... Read |
 | April's inflation eased to 5.2%, down from 5.3% in March and 5.6% in February, per Stats SA. Food inflation slowed, except for certain items... Read |
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