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 | IMRAN SALIE Tanya du Toit, who achieved six distinctions with UCT Online High School, unveils what it takes to reach the top...read |
|  | The Music Business Masterclass (MBM) has been launched by the Southern African Music Rights Organisation (Samro), in partnership with the Academy of Sound Engineering (ASE)...read |
Education |
 | GEORGE BARRETT As artificial intelligence (AI) enters our classrooms, grappling with its potential as a tool in enhancing quality learning outcomes while mitigating its possible challenges will be vital... Read |
Higher Education |
 | ISSUED BY NORTH-WEST UNIVERSITY (NWU) A continued downward trajectory is the only possible forecast for South Africa’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) if political appointments in SOEs continue to take precedence over expertise... Read |
 | ISSUED BY EDUVOS Eduvos, voted South Africa’s best private higher education provider, proudly highlights the exemplary efforts of its Information Technology (IT) faculty... Read |
Primary & Secondary Education |
 | ISSUED BY BATA Toughees, South Africa’s most trusted school shoe since 1954, will mark its platinum anniversary this year with a national drive to spread – a cornerstone of South African communities... Read |
Skills Training |
 | As the world of work rapidly evolves, and technology and automation changes how work gets done, so the shelf life of employees skills shrinks... Read |
 | PPRA and Rawson launched Transformation X, gifting real estate franchises to nine disadvantaged individuals, waiving entrance fees... Read |
 | ISSUED BY SACAP Coaching is a caring profession characterised by a trusted relationship, authentic connection, and a collaborative partnership between the coach and client... Read |
Africa |
 | Unilever Ghana has named Chris Wulf-Caesar as its new CEO, marking a return to the company where his journey in FMCG industry began... Read |
 | DAWIT ENDESHAW AND HEREWARD HOLLAND The state-owned Commercial Bank of Ethiopia has recovered more than three-quarters of the $14m it lost when a software glitch earlier this month allowed customers to withdraw more funds than they held in their accounts, it has said... Read |
Business |
 | EVAN-LEE COURIE The annual custom of April Fools' Day has come and gone and over the years, brands have made a point to partake in the lighthearted fun with attempts to 'fool' the public into falling for fake product launches... Read |
 | LINDSEY SCHUTTERS Gwede Mantashe, announced changes to South Africa's fuel prices, effective from 3 April... Read |
 | RAYMOND PARSONS Rate cuts are not expected until late 2024... Read |
 | KOPANO GUMBI Sarb's retains current interest rate... Read |
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