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Legal |
Corporate & Commercial Law |
 | LIONEL VAN TONDER, AAQILAH NAGDEE AND DELON SMALL As discussed in part 1 of this article, whistleblowing can be abused by those seeking to further their own ends or purposefully harm an individual or wider organisation... Read |
 | CHANDNI GOPAL AND ZIMKHITHA MHLAHLO As consumers become more discerning, environmental sustainability, social engagement and good governance will continue to demand the attention of all retail sector stakeholders... Read |
Criminal Law |
 | HASHIEM LOGDAY We see it weekly in the news, “South African National Anti-Counterfeit Task force seizes counterfeit goods worth R100m, suspects arrested”. But what happens to these suspects arrested and charged in counterfeit goods matters? Read |
Environmental Law |
 | The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Dion George, has published the draft Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) for Pelargonium Sidoides in South Africa in the Government Gazette No. 51662 Notice No. 5592 for public comment... Read |
 | The Department of Water and Sanitation has called on unregistered dam owners across the country to register their dams in order to ensure dam safety compliance, as required by law... Read |
Family Law |
 | Whether you are married in or out of community of property, the type of marriage contract signed determines whether purchasing a house and financing it via a home loan requires the consent of both spouses... Read |
Labour Law |
 | JACQUES VAN WYK AND DANELLE PLAATJIES In National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers obo Cesiko / SAHRC [2024], the CCMA considered whether withholding an employee’s salary and allowances amounted to an unfair labour practice dispute... Read |
Law Practice |
 | The government has provided a guide for entrepreneurs on how to approach the process of applying for a traders' permit... Read |
Legislation |
 | KATJA HAMILTON Following a spike in child pesticide poisonings, over 1,000 spaza shops have been closed nationwide... Read |
Tax Law |
 | South Africa Wine has voiced strong opposition to the government's proposed 80% tax increase on wine... Read |
Africa |
 | KATJA HAMILTON Dr. Faustine Ndugulile, WHO Regional Director-elect for Africa, passed away at 55 on 27 November 2024 in India, prompting widespread tributes... Read |
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