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 | MARK GARDEN, DUDU MOGAPI AND MONDE MBALI On 20 March 2024, the Competition Commission of South Africa published revised Public Interest Guidelines relating to merger control, which follow the Draft Public Interest Guidelines that were published for public comment in October 2023... read |
Corporate & Commercial Law |
 | South Africa's FSCA approves Jaltech for crypto services, marking integration of cryptocurrencies into local finance, aligning with global trends... Read |
 | SIPHOKAZI KAYANA AND CHARLENE FERNS For almost as long as businesses have existed, so has some level of risk management. Risk management encompasses identifying, assessing and controlling financial, legal, strategic and security risks within a business... Read |
Environmental Law |
 | MARK JOHN COSTELLO Marine protection represents our best strategy to reverse declining biodiversity. But protected areas also provide a low-tech and cost-effective way for the fishing industry to safeguard stocks... Read |
Law Practice |
 | JOHAN HENNING, ZELDA SWANEPOEL, SAFIYYA PATEL, GABI RICHARDS-SMITH & MARIAM ISMAIL The Financial Sector Conduct Authority recently announced a Memorandum of Understanding with the DTIC's B-BBEE Commission... Read |
Africa |
 | Unilever Ghana has named Chris Wulf-Caesar as its new CEO, marking a return to the company where his journey in FMCG industry began... Read |
 | DAWIT ENDESHAW AND HEREWARD HOLLAND The state-owned Commercial Bank of Ethiopia has recovered more than three-quarters of the $14m it lost when a software glitch earlier this month allowed customers to withdraw more funds than they held in their accounts, it has said... Read |
Business |
 | EVAN-LEE COURIE The annual custom of April Fools' Day has come and gone and over the years, brands have made a point to partake in the lighthearted fun with attempts to 'fool' the public into falling for fake product launches... Read |
 | LINDSEY SCHUTTERS Gwede Mantashe, announced changes to South Africa's fuel prices, effective from 3 April... Read |
 | KOPANO GUMBI Sarb's retains current interest rate... Read |
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