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Consumer Law |
 | Two recent court cases involving well-known franchise brands Romans Pizza and Cash Crusaders have put the spotlight on difficulties that can arise in the business and legal relationships that exist between franchisor and franchisee... Read |
Corporate & Commercial Law |
 | LIEZL HUMAN Fishing Rights Allocation Process was “rushed and haphazardly allocated” says lawyer for fishers... Read |
Intellectual Property Law |
 | LINDSEY SCHUTTERS Universal Music Group have not renewed a licensing agreement with TikTok and will pull its music from the social media platform... Read |
 | PATRICK O'BRIEN AND DINA BIAGIO Artistry is something to marvel at, something to distract oneself, something to inspire. But so often, and perhaps unfortunately so, the intertwining of artistry and the technical is overlooked... Read |
Labour Law |
 | Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi has announced a new National Minimum Wage (NMW) determination which will go up from R25,42 to R27,58 for each ordinary hour worked... Read |
Law of Succession |
 | ISSUED BY CAPITAL LEGACY Lawsuits, auctions and an estate that still isn’t wound up a decade after his passing – these are not topics that anyone could have predicted would be linked to Nelson Mandela... Read |
Law Practice |
 | Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services is calling for applications and nominations for the position of deputy public protector... Read |
Legislation |
 | The bill seeks to amend the National Small Enterprise Act, 1996, in order to amend, delete, insert and substitute certain definitions... Read |
Africa |
 | LINDSEY SCHUTTERS The panel discussion at the Bowmans annual Mining Indaba event was dedicated to green hydrogen, with no mention of mining… Read |
 | FELIX NJINI AND VERONICA BROWN Anglo American considers deeper cost cuts in face of worst downturn in 35 years... Read |
 | DUNCAN MIRIRI Bayer will outsource pharmaceutical distribution in Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Ghana to a third party, minimising job impact. Crop science division remains unaffected... Read |
Business |
 | Unaudited data from the Central Energy Fund points to fuel price increases from midnight... Read |
 | Pick n Pay recalls No Name Smooth Peanut Butter, Eden Smooth Peanut Butter and Eden Crunch Peanut Butter over possible health risks... Read |
 | DAMON BUSS In October 2023, Amazon confirmed their entry into the South African retail market, with the launch of Amazon.co.za planned for early 2024. But what impact will Amazon have on the local retail market, specifically the listed retailers? Read |
 | Maimane of Build One SA aims to create 2 million jobs in five years, unveiling a jobs-focused manifesto... Read |
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 | Launched in 2023 in Johannesburg, Mindful Masterminds empower children through transformative educational activities & learning resources to navigate life's challenges with mental fortitude, emotional resilience, leadership, growth mindset & unwavering self-belief. |
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