| |
 | The Department of Employment and Labour has warned employers against misrepresenting their Employment Equity (EE) status... read |
Employee Wellness |
 | ISSUED BY UWIN IWIN INCENTIVES For three decades, Uwin Iwin Incentives has been at the forefront of the incentives industry in Africa, shaping the way organisations motivate and reward their employees... Read |
HR Tools & Software |
 | ISSUED BY DATABASE360 In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, where innovation is constant and competition is fierce, while groundbreaking products and services are essential, success hinges on more than just innovation... Read |
Labour Law & Unions |
 | GEORGE OBULUTSA Kenyan public hospital doctors on Wednesday, 8 May, signed a return to work agreement with the government meant to end a strike that started in mid-March, union and government officials said... Read |
 | LINDSEY SCHUTTERS A landmark three-year wage agreement has been signed between Seifsa and Numsa... Read |
Management & Leadership |
 | Cisco appoints David Meads as vice president for Middle East, Africa, Romania, and the Commonwealth of Independent States... Read |
Occupational Health & Safety |
 | KATJA HAMILTON 88 workers were on site and 44 remain missing in the wake of the collapse of a multi-story building under construction in the CBD of George, South Africa. Allegations of undocumented workers have surfaced, and an investigation is ongoing... Read |
Youth Employment |
 | Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi is expected to launch the Labour Activation Programme (LAP) in Kimberly in the Northern Cape... Read |
Africa |
 | LINDSEY SCHUTTERS A major undersea cable cut on Sunday disrupted internet services across East Africa... Read |
Business |
 | Catherine Wijnberg, founder and CEO of Fetola, shares her opinion on what she thinks is the most common reason for small business failure... Read |
 | President Cyril Ramaphosa says healthcare ‘apartheid’ must end, but opposition parties and the private medical industry are likely to go straight to court over the NHI Bill... Read |
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