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 | The plan provides guidelines for establishing cannabis (medicinal cannabis) and hemp in the Western Cape... read |
 | ISSUED BY BIZCOMMUNITY.COM The Biz Most Read Awards is the monthly accolade for companies to claim rightful recognition for business content activity and impressively amplified impressions for their company news and views... Read |
Agribusiness |
 | Waste management and waste reporting is an important part of corporate sustainability. Reporting on your waste management performance is a key element that shareholders and investors look at... Read |
Agro-processing |
 | The Competition Commission states that there were unjustified price increases of sunflower oil, and white and brown bread, and opportunistic price increases in maize meal... Read |
 | The Franchise Association of South Africa says the temporary extension of the diesel fuel levy refund to food manufacturers "does not go far enough" as it excludes the rest of the food value chain... Read |
 | NELSON BANYA South African farmers are expected to harvest 2.65% more maize in the 2022/2023 season compared with the previous season, the government's Crop Estimates Committee (CEC) said on Tuesday, 28 March. Read |
 | Agricultural economist Dr Uma Lele has been awarded an honorary doctorate by Stellenbosch University at its March graduation... Read |
Sustainable Farming |
 | LERATO MOLEFI & DALIT ANSTEY Agribusinesses can maximise opportunities, including creating significant revenue generation to complement the sector's existing sources of revenue, and promote resilience by adopting ESG strategies... Read |
Viticulture & Oenology |
 | "The harvest is predicted to be smaller than the 2022 harvest. Winemakers and viticulturists are however in agreement - the excellent quality grapes hold a big promise for the making of remarkable wines." Read |
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