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ESG & Sustainability |
 | Sustainability plans may have shifted in a post-pandemic era, but the shape, size, and makeup of supply chains in a bid to build resilience in a firm, can determine how companies become sustainable or not... Read |
 | African Development Bank's groundbreaking sustainable hybrid capital issuance, a G20 CAF compliant move, attracts strong investor demand, totalling over $6bn... Read |
Education & Skills Development |
 | DR DAVE PEPLER, ISSUED BY STONE Conservation biology is not a science, but rather a complex, multidisciplinary management system that requires individuals to navigate a highly intricate environment... Read |
Environment & Natural Resources |
 | The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, has welcomed the declaration of De Berg Nature Reserve as South Africa’s 30th Ramsar site under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance... Read |
 | The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, has extended the appointment of the Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of South Africa (EAPASA) as the single registration authority for the regulation of environmental assessment practitioners for a period of 24 months... Read |
Food, Water & Energy Security |
 | LIEZL HUMAN Fishing Rights Allocation Process was “rushed and haphazardly allocated” says lawyer for fishers... Read |
Green Economy & Sustainability |
 | Alchemy Law’s view of the Mining Charter sees it strike a balance between transformation and growth… Read |
Health & Welfare |
 | TIAAN DE JAGER AND TANESHKA KRUGER Cape Verde, comprising 10 islands with over 500,000 people, is declared malaria-free by WHO, becoming the third African country to have achieved this status... Read |
NGO, NPO & Social Enterprise |
 | After 19 years and R14m raised for children’s charities, StreetSmart South Africa has ceased operations. As part of its farewell, the NGO disbursed a final R500,000 to 19 children’s charities across the country... Read |
Africa |
 | FELIX NJINI AND VERONICA BROWN Anglo American considers deeper cost cuts in face of worst downturn in 35 years... Read |
 | LINDSEY SCHUTTERS The panel discussion at the Bowmans annual Mining Indaba event was dedicated to green hydrogen, with no mention of mining… Read |
 | DUNCAN MIRIRI Bayer will outsource pharmaceutical distribution in Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Ghana to a third party, minimising job impact. Crop science division remains unaffected... Read |
Business |
 | Unaudited data from the Central Energy Fund points to fuel price increases from midnight... Read |
 | Pick n Pay recalls No Name Smooth Peanut Butter, Eden Smooth Peanut Butter and Eden Crunch Peanut Butter over possible health risks... Read |
 | DAMON BUSS In October 2023, Amazon confirmed their entry into the South African retail market, with the launch of Amazon.co.za planned for early 2024. But what impact will Amazon have on the local retail market, specifically the listed retailers? Read |
 | Maimane of Build One SA aims to create 2 million jobs in five years, unveiling a jobs-focused manifesto... Read |
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 | Launched in 2023 in Johannesburg, Mindful Masterminds empower children through transformative educational activities & learning resources to navigate life's challenges with mental fortitude, emotional resilience, leadership, growth mindset & unwavering self-belief. |
Jobs offered |
Cape Town Carnival is seeking to recruit a fundraising account manager.
Based in Cape Town, you will have the opportunity of helping non-profits make a difference! Read more >> |