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 | Government has declared a National State of Disaster to enable an intensive, coordinated response to the impact of floods that are affecting Mpumalanga, the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, the Northern Cape and North West provinces... read |
 | SHAN RADCLIFFE Of all the wild animals one could reasonably expect to see roaming South Africa's streets, a tiger is not one of them. And yet, somewhat inexplicably, Gauteng found itself on the lookout for not one, but two tigers... Read |
ESG & Sustainability |
 | GARYN RAPSON, NOMSA MBERE, JAQUI PINTO, PAULA-ANN NOVOTNY, DALIT ANSTEY The race is on to diversify portfolios to include the 'minerals of the future'... Read |
Circular Economy & Waste Management |
 | CCBSA is rolling out its 2L returnable bottle, also known as refillable PET bottle (RefPET), in the Free State and Northern Cape, as part of its efforts to reduce plastic waste and include consumers in the recycling value chain... Read |
 | As South African's face a seemingly endless schedule of load shedding, businesses and consumers alike are seeking alternative power sources to keep the lights on - with solar proving a popular option. However, as installations increase, so does the need for awareness of the proper disposal methods of solar panels after use... Read |
Climate Change |
 | EVAN-LEE COURIE Over the years there has been growing recognition within the arts and cultural sectors of the urgency of the climate crisis and opportunities for change... Read |
 | The African Development Bank's Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) has received the support of two new donor countries - Ireland and Austria, which have contributed €2m and €1m respectively... Read |
CSI & Philanthropy |
 | ISSUED BY LG Local community leaders need to submit their best community-growth ideas ASAP as ambassadorship search draws to a close... Read |
 | ISSUED BY SYMBIOTIC Spending 156,914 hours in the sun, the NSRI received 1,604 bottles, approximately a year's worth, of sunscreen from Nivea Sun to keep their volunteers protected. The NSRI completed 46,462 rescue operations in 2021... Read |
 | Heritage brand, BB Bakeries in partnership with non-governmental organisation Habitat for Humanity SA has launched an initiative to help rebuild homes in the flood stricken communities of Kwa-Zulu Natal... Read |
Education & Skills Development |
 | ISSUED BY DOTGOOD We can make an immense impact on those around us simply by spreading kindness. Random Acts of Kindness Week is observed annually from 14-20 February; it's a celebration of all the ways we can become a positive influence in each other's lives... Read |
 | To address the challenge of youth unemployment, government has expanded the Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) to encourage businesses to hire more young people in large numbers... Read |
Environment & Natural Resources |
 | HELEN REID Mining is likely to produce noise across a range of frequencies that could travel hundreds of kilometres... Read |
Food, Water & Energy Security |
 | Plant-based protein specialist Schouten Europe and Dutch biotech startup Grassa are collaborating on a project to develop meat substitutes using protein from grass... Read |
 | The existing combined storage capacity of the Greater Brandvlei Dam amounts to 450 million m³, but could only be filled to 72% of its capacity... Read |
 | Upon construction completion, Tzaneen Dam will be a 53.3m-high category 3 dam - the classification with the highest hazard rating... Read |
Green Economy & Sustainability |
 | SUSIE DAVIES, JO HEWITT, ISABEL CARTY A number of institutional investors have now publicly committed to taking ESG factors into account when making investment decisions... Read |
 | Africa is rich in mineral resources, however, it has struggled to fully capitalise on these resources due to a lack of investment... Read |
Inclusion, Empowerment & Social Justice |
 | MAXWELL ROELAND South Africa has a critical shortage of decent, affordable housing, and its cities continue to reflect apartheid planning... Read |
Infrastructure, Innovation & Technology |
 | ISSUED BY METROWIRED With the era of 4IR comes a significant change in our way of life and how we communicate. MetroWired is committed to bringing every man, woman and child along for the digital journey... Read |
 | ISSUED BY SAFRIPOL In a first for a South African Resin manufacturer, Safripol is proud to announce that it has achieved the globally recognised International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certification for PE100 polyethylene, branded as iMPACT100 and used in the manufacturing of pipes and pipe fittings for the supply of potable water and gaseous fuels... Read |
 | OLEBOGENG MANHE Infrastructure projects have an enormous social and environmental impact... Read |
 | Vukile's hybrid solar-battery, grid-tied system will give malls at least three sources of power - solar PV, battery backup and the national grid... Read |
Business |
 | Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town, is calling on changemakers in South Africa and across the continent to step forward for the Africa Education Medal 2023... Read |
 | KATJA HAMILTON Standard Bank's chief economist, Goolam Ballim was not pulling punches in a frank discussion on the outlook of SA's economy for 2023... Read |
 | The CEOs of some of South Africa's largest companies have addressed an open letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa bemoaning the energy crisis and its "crippling" effect on businesses... Read |
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