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Education & Skills Development |
 | ISSUED BY BATA Playtime is the most important time - and BFirst by Bata is taking playtime seriously. The global shoe brand is proud to launch its #BeWellwithBFirst competition... Read |
 | ISSUED BY CYRIL RAMAPHOSA FOUNDATION How much of a difference can play make in a child's life? That is the question the Thari programme is answering successfully with its Safe Park in Botshabelo township in the Free State... Read |
 | The Shoprite Group is calling for high-performing students enrolled for degrees in Accounting, IT, Food Science and more, to apply for its all-inclusive bursary programme for the 2023 academic year... Read |
Environment & Natural Resources |
 | ISSUED BY MPACT PLASTICS With hygiene in the spotlight, why is plastic packaging the preferred medium within the retail and home environments?... Read |
 | Edible oil producer, Willowton Group, is helping re-introduce KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) yellowfish to the Baynespruit... Read |
Food, Water & Energy Security |
 | NEIL THOMAS STACEY Smartphones now outnumber people with access to clean water in their homes... Read |
 | The development of the hydrogen economy in Africa will support effective broad global decarbonisation... Read |
Green Economy |
 | ISSUED BY GREENCAPE Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) South Africa begins its second phase and launches call for proposals... Read |
Inclusion, Empowerment & Social Justice |
 | ISSUED BY AFRIKA TIKKUN Sub-Saharan Africa is considered the youngest continent with its high youthful population. In an ideal world, the latter is an indispensable asset. In South Africa, however, the reality on the ground is contrary to this ideal... Read |
 | Pizza Hut and the Youth Employment Service (Yes) launched their LeadHERship initiative earlier this year. The programme aims to unlock job opportunities for vulnerable young women, aged 18-24, marginalised in South African communities. Read |
 | ANDY DU PLESSIS, ISSUED BY FOOD FORWARD SA The majority of South Africans remain at the periphery of our economic system, excluded, making it extremely difficult for them to eke out a sustainable livelihood... Read |
Infrastructure, Innovation & Technology |
 | ISSUED BY MPACT PLASTICS Our innovation continues in the interest of recyclability and consumer convenience... Read |
Pollution & Waste Management |
 | ISSUED BY ACKERMANS Ackermans has partnered with Wastecrete to convert fabric waste from the concrete production process and used and damaged garments that are not fit for wear into a first: fabric bricks called F?BRIC... Read |
 | A study, conducted by the Mangosuthu University of Technology and the Council of Geosciences to determine the levels of various elements in toxic wastewater and acid mine drainage in the Krugersdorp mining area, has revealed high concentrations of six potentially harmful elements in the Krugersdorp Game Reserve... Read |
Africa |
 | AHMED ELJECHTIMI Rich countries and international financial institutions need to provide more funding for Africa to support global climate goals... Read |
Business |
 | BANKEY SONO Hot off the heels of a number of awards by the CCMA which upheld mandatory vaccination policies in the workplace, the CCMA recently declared mandatory vaccination policies to be unconstitutional... Read |
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 | Mettlestate is a premium esports and gaming authority that offers consulting, activations & live events in South Africa. |
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