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Healthcare South Africa

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Response to HIV needs to change
HIV is the epidemic of our time, with up to 38.8-million people living with the disease worldwide in 2015-2016, and around two-million new cases diagnosed in
Solving Africa's healthcare logistics problems with AI
Artifical Intelligence (AI), in the form of IBM Watson, is being used to aid decision making in public health supply chains in developing countries and improve patients' access to life-saving medicines... read
Survey: Medical aid members have more choice
In the battle for a slice of the private healthcare market, there has been significant growth in the number of medical schemes performing well across all sections of the medical aid spectrum... read
Mandela Month
#Mandela100: PinkDrive takes to the road in KZN
To celebrate the life of Madiba, PinkDrive, together with the Revolutionary Motorcycle Club, is carrying out mammograms, pap smears, prostate-specific antigen screening and health education... read
#Mandela100: Africa needs leaders who live and exude integrity

Rudo Kwaramba-Kayombo

Africa's new generation of leaders could learn a thing or two about how to become great, but it takes much more to become an extraordinary leader like Nelson Mandela... read
Infectious Diseases
Mapping neglected tropical diseases
Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a group of communicable diseases that affect more than 1.5-billion people globally, 39% of whom live in Africa... read
Medical Research
Prostate treatment byproduct could accelerate cancer cell growth
New research out of the United States points to a genetic anomaly in certain men with prostate cancer, which may impact their response to common drugs used to treat the disease... read
National Health Insurance
Will HMI insights get lost in the rush to finalise healthcare laws?
Has the almost simultaneous release of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill, the Medical Schemes Amendment Bill and the provisional findings of the Health Market Inquiry (HMI) created an information overload? read
Public Health
Poor quality health services are holding back UHC
Inaccurate diagnosis, medication errors, inappropriate or unnecessary treatment, inadequate or unsafe clinical facilities or practices, or providers who lack training prevail in countries of all income levels... read
5 expectations of the African millennial consumer
As the largest consumer group in the world today, it is impossible to ignore the impact millennials have had - and will continue to have for decades to come as they settle into their prime spending years... read
Jobs offered
RT @PublicHealthSA: In light of the #LifeEsidimeni tragedy @PublicHealthSA strongly condemns the appointment of Qedani Mahlangu to the appo...
RT @DrTedros: Despite all the remarkable advances that have been made, progress on ending AIDS is still too slow. #HealthForAll is an oppor...
#HASA2018 speaker announcement. Another expert leader joins the world-class panel of speakers for the Hospital Asso...
CEO of @PharmaDynamics explains why it is imperative that the pharma industry skilfully navigates through the #NHI...
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