Learn more about SAARF TAMS

South African Advertising Research Foundation (SAARF) has decided to do another set of comprehensive updates on TAMS next week in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, now that overnight reporting is up and running. A preview of upcoming changes is also on the agenda.

The topic will be television audience measurement and the important changes that the industry has recently gone through, as well as future changes and improvements that are in the pipeline.

The team will be lead by SAARF's CEO, Dr Paul Haupt and he will be accompanied by Chris Eyre, executive director of AGB Nielsen Media Research.


Wednesday, 4 October 2006, at 2.30pm at the Bryanston Country Club, Bryanston Drive, Bryanston.


Thursday, 5 October, at 2.30pm at the Protea Edward Hotel, 149 Marine Parade, Durban.

Cape Town

Friday, 6 October, at 9.30am at The Cullinan, 1 Cullinan Street, Cape Town.

Email for registration forms.

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