Google derps, thinks own domain is dodgy

Google has a little tool for internet users to check the good standing of websites across the web. Its known as the Safe Browsing Site Checker, and aims to keep netizens out of trouble.
Google derps, thinks own domain is dodgy

But while you can definitely use it to check if is a place you just shouldn’t visit, some crafty Redditor thought it would be fun to check instead.

And the result?

Well, Google thinks that is partially dangerous.

The resultant warning is a bag of laughs: “Attackers on this site might try to trick you to download software or steal your information,” and “Some pages on this website installs malware on visitors’ computers.”

But if you’re panicking, don’t run on over to Bing. This issue has been known for a while, and to be quite fair to Google, the sites you visit isn’t exactly because of it.

Nevertheless, the story was initially picked up by The Washington Post, which has a theory about the problem. It notes that it could be that the domain is hosting bad content that Google hasn’t yet removed.

Regardless, it’s nice to know that even websites can have mid-week Mondays.

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