Google appoints 33-year-old Kenyan to head Africa policy

Google's new appointment of a 33-year-old Kenyan to manage its Africa policy has been described as a "coup" by authoritative US technology magazine FastCompany.
Google appoints 33-year-old Kenyan to head Africa policy

Google recently appointed Ory Okolloh, an online activist and co-founder of Ushahidi, as Policy Manager for Africa. Ushahidi is a famed crowd sourcing site dedicated to information collection, visualisation and interactive mapping.
Google's appointment shows its confidence in Africa's digital growth and recognises the continent as a future tech giant.

Okolloh is a TED fellow, Global Voices contributor and a Harvard-educated lawyer. She is a regular speaker at prestigious conferences such as TED, World Economic Forum, Poptech, CGI, Techonomy, Mobile Web Africa, and the Monaco Media Forum on issues around citizen journalism. She has been very active in building Africa's technological landscape.

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About the author

Michelle Atagana has a Masters Degree in New Media and Journalism, her thesis focuses on social media technologies in the South African journalistic space with some focus on the public sphere. She is a contributor on [[]].

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