Musk donates $1m to Tesla museum

WASHINGTON, USA: - Tesla Motors founder Elon Musk has agreed to donate $1m to help fund a new museum dedicated to inventor Nikolai Tesla.
A museum recording Nikolai Tesla's contribution to electricity generation is being built in New York and Tesla Motor's Founder, Elon Musk has donated $1m to its establishment. Image: Wikipedia
A museum recording Nikolai Tesla's contribution to electricity generation is being built in New York and Tesla Motor's Founder, Elon Musk has donated $1m to its establishment. Image: Wikipedia

The organiser of a crowd-funding campaign for the new museum, Matthew Inman, made the announcement on his blog, weeks after publicly asking Musk for the donation for the centre honouring the inventor who inspired the name for Musk's electric car.

"Earlier this week I got to speak to (Musk) directly, and he promised two things," Inman wrote on his blog.

"He's going to build a Tesla Supercharger station in the parking lot of the museum (and) he's donating $1m dollars to the museum itself. Elon," Inman wrote

Inman's campaign raised over $1.37m for the museum at the site of Tesla's laboratory on Long Island, New York, but has since said $8m is needed to get the museum built.

The Serbian-American inventor worked for Thomas Edison before branching out on his own to create new types of electric generators and devices.

Source: AFP via I-Net Bridge

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