SABC3 sex slip-up

NEWSWATCH: SABC3 has landed in hot water for not placing the correct age restriction on the All My Children soapie, reports IOL, and Lisa Hiemer, writing in, reports on a new study that shows surprisingly strong investigative journalism in independent local papers in three provinces.
SABC3 sex slip-up

For more:

  • IOL: Sex rating lands SABC 3 in hot water... Surely it's quite a simple thing to get right... putting the proper age restriction on a programme?

  • Investigative Journalism - Not Only for the Big Shots... Think of investigative journalism and one usually thinks first of the major newspapers that get right up government's collective nose on a regular basis... Sunday Times, Mail & Guardian and so on.

    But now a new study has revealed what Lisa Hiemer says is "surprisingly strong investigative journalism in independent local papers in three provinces. Almost 60% of the papers analysed contained investigative material."

    And do you know which province stood out best? Limpopo... That's right, home of that guy... ahh.... Julius ...aah... oh yes... Malema, that's him. Remember him? He used to be in all the newspapers.

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