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Rules of engagement: Minimise awkward client/agency physical interactionsIn many ways, the new business-development game has many parallels with dating. It all starts with making eye contact from across the room (or PC), then the manipulative schemes to frequently 'bump' into one another at random. This leads to the exchange of personal details, the initial credentials coffee-date, the follow-up credentials date, the opportunity to prove your worthiness and trust and, finally, all things going well, the moment of actualised coming together, the first kiss. While the above is fraught with analogies, make no mistake about the last bit. By kiss I refer not to exchange of PO numbers; I refer to the invasion of personal space, extreme intimacy and all the awkwardness that outstretched lips bring with them. We've all been there before We've all been there before. New(ish) client; you've had a few formal meetings together, spoken a little about a holiday in Mauritius, the rising price of petrol and her husband's chronic back problems. In truth, though, the focus is on timing plans and budgets. In terms of greetings, it's been a pretty straightforward handshake (and by straightforward I'm referring to my gentle wet-fish chivalrous palm and her feminist "I didn't get this far being a Barbie doll" bone-crushing iron grip). It all worked! She had her place; I had mine. Awkwardness, personal space and innuendos never existed; we knew where we stood. That is, until the inevitable social run-in. Some say the meaning of life is the mystery of life itself. Nice in a horoscope column but, being a control freak, this doesn't really suit me. I don't like delays. I'm petrified of flying. I'm uncomfortable around doctors. And I dread bumping into clients outside of controlled corporate environments. Out-of-body experiences Having been on the receiving end of these corporate happenstances recently, I've had numerous out-of-body experiences as I observe my awkwardness in all its glory. The storyboard looks as follows:
Choose your own adventure It's at #5 where this really becomes a Choose Your Own Adventure story. As the new business hero, you are faced with a number of paths, all laden with uncertain social pitfalls and danger. It would only be fair to elaborate on some of these:
No correct answer Having been through all routes, it is my opinion that there is no correct answer. One must take a 'horses for courses' approach. Consult colleagues, therapists or fortunetellers because gut instinct unfortunately cannot be trusted in these instances. The other point is: if you are going to flash, flash hard! Stay committed to a choice and see it out. The only thing worse than making the wrong call is increasing the tension by the live acknowledgement of the wrong call being made. Lastly, all clients ask for is consistency. After a period of formal meetings, when you do decide to take the plunge, you MUST repeat that action on every future interaction, treating all members of the opposite sex equally. #thoseawkwardmoments Maybe one day client meetings will happen over Skype or, better yet, physical contact will be banned like in that futuristic film classic, Demolition Man. Until such time, though, we are faced with living in a creative Material World surrounded by Material Girls. Xs are distributed willy nilly at the end of text messages, Os (hugs) pop up at the end of emails and all along we are "rofl'ing" (rolling on the floor laughing) as we share #thoseawardmoments on Twitter. ![]() Cher believed the kiss said a lot about the man. Source: www.escuchar-musica-espagnola.com In a recessionary climate with desperate agencies fighting for every scrap of business, it would be wise to heed the advice of a diva that knew a thing or two about commitment: If you wanna know About Mike SilverMike Silver is the founder of Elevator, a brand experience agency now part of the Smollan Group. Mike has been working in the below-the-line and brand experience arena since 2000. Current clients include Lipton Ice Tea, Old Mutual and Pernod Ricard. View my profile and articles... |