TMG Avusa buyout approved

NEWSWATCH: The Competition Tribunal has approved Times Media Group's buyout of Avusa, reports BDlive, and ITWeb reports that there are some financial and other issues around the migration to digital TV from analogue.
TMG Avusa buyout approved

For more:

  • BDlive: Competition Tribunal approves TMG's buyout of Avusa... Good news - apart that is for former CEO Prakash Desai, who received a total pay package of R40.1m last year - is the fact that retrenchments will be limited to just 14 at head office level.
  • ITWeb: R7bn digital TV shortfall... Good news for cities in the Northern Cape is that they will be the first to enjoy a digital TV signal on 26 and 27 September. The bad news is that migration from analogue to digital for the rest of us is facing a lack of funding - to the tune of some R7bn.

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