Successful anti-poaching raids net 3.2 tonnes of abalone

According to global seafood industry information website FIS, an anti-poaching raid by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), with assistance from the South Africa Police Service and Fisheries Control Officers (FCOs), has led to the arrest of seven offenders and the confiscation of 26,429 units or 3.2 tonnes of abalone.

Fisheries spokesperson Lionel Adendorf said that police found some 3,346 units or 377kg of wet shucked abalone in various bags in a car hidden amongst trees and bushes this week, reports FIS.

Police also arrested a Chinese national in Milnerton who possessed 4,824 units or 424kg of wet shucked abalone and 328 units or 100kg of dry abalone worth R12m.

In the largest confiscation this year thus far, five FCOs confiscated 10,408 units or 1,174.31kg of wet abalone late last week when they arrested two men in a vehicle hidden in the bushes at Salmonsdampad outside Stanford. The men appeared in the Hermanus Magistrate's Court early this week and were remanded in custody, FIS reports.

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