Durban Air Show to feature unseen acts

The 55th Durban Air Show, which will be held at Virginia Airport, Durban North on 16 July will feature a number of acts not seen before, including a Hawk jet fighter brought to the show by the SAAF.

A P51 Mustang is another first for the show. The American plane was one of the best fighters in World War 2. There are only two in South Africa.

"There is a possibility that we will break the sound barrier, which last happened a few years ago at the air show. Whilst the Hawk is not a supersonic jet, it can break the barrier in a dive. John Neilon is still working on it and if he gets this right it will be an awesome addition to what is going to be a terrific show," said event spokesman Ray de Vries.

There will be SAP parachutists, civilian jets, passenger airliners, skydivers and many acts that will take place on the ground involving aircraft.

Gates open at 7am for the general public and the show commences at 9am.

Traffic and parking guidelines for the public will be posted on the website at

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