DUI in KZN at your peril

KZN Alcohol Evidence Centre launch part of nationwide crackdown on drunk driving; state-of-the-art equipment supplied by SAB to improve prosecution rates.
DUI in KZN at your peril

The KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Department of Transport Road Traffic Inspectorate (RTI) and the South African Breweries Limited (SAB) today unveiled the province's third state-of-the-art Alcohol Evidence Centre (AEC) in Port Shepstone. Launched as part of a countrywide initiative by SAB to tackle drunk driving in South Africa, the AEC is outfitted with the latest equipment to accurately detect a driver's breath alcohol level through a single breath sample. The centre and others like it across the country are expected to dramatically improve prosecution rates of those arrested for driving under the influence. Two other AEC's have been launched in KZN, in Pietermaritzburg and Umdloti.

"Drunk driving remains one of the biggest killers in South Africa and this Centre is an important step in our mission to reduce the number of fatalities on KZN's roads," said Willies Mchunu, the KZN MEC for transport, community safety and liaison. "We want all drivers to know that it is never okay to drink and drive and if they make the mistake of doing so, we are ready to catch and prosecute them."

Millions committed

For the current financial year, SAB has committed R9 million to supply nine AECs across South Africa with equipment, including breathalysers whose results are admissible in court and a closed-circuit television network to monitor the testing process. The breathalyser machines are able to take an instant and accurate reading of the level of an individual's breath alcohol which can be used as evidence to secure a conviction of drunk driving.

Expected to be used in conjunction with regular roadblocks around the city, if a breathalyser detects more than 0.24 milligrams of alcohol per 1000 millilitres of breath (the legal breath alcohol limit in South Africa), a driver will be arrested, detained in a SAPS facility and charged with a criminal offence.

Effective enforcement, prosecution are effective

"Research has shown that effective enforcement and prosecution are the most effective ways to change attitudes and behaviours among those who drink and drive," observed Vincent Maphai, Director of Corporate Affairs and Transformation at SAB. "By equipping police with tools to better arrest and prosecute irresponsible drivers, we hope to make drinking and driving socially unacceptable."

The contribution of breathalyser equipment follows on SAB's launch of a comprehensive strategy to tackle alcohol abuse across South Africa, focusing specifically on reducing the prevalence of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, encouraging responsible trading, addressing underage drinking and reducing the prevalence of drunk driving. In addition to the equipment, earlier this year SAB launched a hard-hitting advertising campaign called 'Reality Check' to drive home messages about the anti-social and life threatening dangers of drinking and driving and drinking while pregnant.

Deterrent to anti-social behaviour

"We hope that the contribution of equipment will act as an effectively deterrent to those who may still consider drinking and driving," added Maphai. "A significant shift in mindset is required among those South African drivers who drink and we believe that this equipment is one of the most practical and effective ways to affect change among individuals and ultimately, society as a whole."

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