New Images and Motion Manager at Great Stock

Great Stock! takes pleasure in welcoming back Angela Jane van der Merwe, previously manager of Stock Options, a related specialist footage company.
New Images and Motion Manager at Great Stock

Angela takes up the position of Images and Motion Manager with Great Stock - as it implements the merging of motion (footage) into an integrated and comprehensive raft of Great Stock offerings, which includes Images, Motion and Services.

The merger takes place in recognition of the fact that clients, in the design, advertising, production, broadcast and publishing sectors, are increasingly requiring a variety of services and visual assets delivered in a seamless and professional manner.

Angela returns, having gained invaluable experience in high-level production and post-production fields, armed with a depth of understanding of the rapidly-evolving landscape of client needs. Angela's focus will be to integrate existing systems and the considerable expertise currently available within the Great Stock teams, in order to provide an even higher level of service to clients. Her aim is to deliver outstanding and tightly-integrated products and services at affordable prices, within the time-frames that clients require.

Angela is eager to engage with clients on all aspects of Great Stock and Stock Options operations, whether they be queries, compliments or gripes, and may be contacted on (011) 880 2037 or az.oc.kcotstaerg@alegna.

Images, Motion, Services sums up our complementary raft of services - aimed primarily at professionals in the fields of advertising, design, publishing, production and broadcasting. Our expertise and hands-on experience in these fields have been the foundation of our enterprise for more than two decades.

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