Joint Student of the Year at 2009 D&AD Student Awards

LONDON: For only the second time in its 31-year history, the Student of the Year was awarded jointly at the D&AD Student Awards 2009 Ceremony in London last night, Thursday, 2 July 2009. Recipients were Petra Muda and Harri Leppala from Berghs School of Communication in Sweden and Micheline Mannion, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in the UK.
Joint Student of the Year at 2009 D&AD Student Awards

Muda and Leppala's entry ‘Find It' is a mobile phone application that would allow users to send a photo of any item they want to buy to the eBay site, which will then reply with its best match.

Mannion designed a solution to the Faber & Faber book cover brief, incorporating the publisher's new Print on Demand (PoD) service. It's described as a quirky take on the old-fashioned highlighter pen combined with cutting edge technology to create a personalised cover.

Identify best new talent

The Student Awards exist to identify the best new talent in advertising and design. Only the most innovative work that answers the brief and successfully breaks boundaries wins the top prize.

“When I see a great idea for the first time, my brain asks a whole series of questions: Is it original? Is it even possible? Is it the right solution for the brief and client? If the answer is ‘yes', then that's first part of what I call ‘the wow moment'. Then I move onto: Why hasn't it been done? And the killer: Why the bloody hell didn't I think of it first? And all this happens in a wonderful nano second,” said Greg Quinton, D&AD education chairman.

He continued, “The D&AD Student of the Year judging panel enjoyed the wow moment not once, but twice this year, firstly with Petra and Harri's ‘Find it' idea for the Ebay brief. So simple it was instantly and unanimously loved. We all want Ebay to launch it - now.

“Micheline's idea for the Faber and Faber brief was quieter but no less compelling. It answered a very real issue - is it possible to create beautiful books using new print on demand technology? Micheline found the solution within the problem and then crafted it elegantly. A beautifully executed idea will be a ‘wow' moment every time - so thank you both teams - and many congratulations!"

CategorySponsorAward StatusStudent TeamCollege | UniversityNation
AdvertisingBlykSecondCrissi King, Muna Mohammed, Will Bollen, Sharleen Smyth, Jerry ClarkChester UniversityUK
AdvertisingBlykSecondTomas Alcazar, Kevin Waltz, Jorge DelgadoMiami Ad School, MadridSpain
AdvertisingBlykFirstJohan Riddarström, David Lundgren, Hampus MattssonBerghs School Of CommunicationSweden
AdvertisingBlykCommendationDian Widjaja, Jang Soon HwangAcademy of Art UniversityUS
AdvertisingYouTubeCommendationBrittany Loobey, Jae Wook BaekAcademy of Art UniversityUS
AdvertisingYouTubeCommendationGustaf JohnssonBerghs School Of CommunicationSweden
AdvertisingPJ SmoothiesSecondMaurizio Bodrero, Stefano Biasi, Giulia Munari, Moreno De Turco, Valeria VanzulliAccademia di ComunicazioneItaly
AdvertisingPJ SmoothiesFirstCarren O'keefe, Devon HongMiami Ad School, HamburgGermany
AdvertisingPJ SmoothiesCommendationCeleste Van Der Spoel, Devon HongMiami Ad School, HamburgGermany
AdvertisingPJ SmoothiesCommendationFederico Usiglio, Vito La Brocca, Davide Calluori, Federica Corona, Lorenzo CroceAccademia di ComunicazioneItaly
AdvertisingPJ SmoothiesCommendationWanshi Lu, Winson WooCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
AdvertisingPrudentialSecondNicholas BondMiami Ad School, MiamiUS
AdvertisingLloyds TSBSecondAaron Mccarthy, Emily ChurchesUniversity of GloucestershireUK
AdvertisingLloyds TSBCommendationCindy Bartschies, Tony WolfFachhochschule MainzGermany
AdvertisingLloyds TSBCommendationBecky Kitlan, Lance Mr, Mike CambardellaThe Creative CircusUS
AdvertisingGraziaSecondRafael Martínez Gonzalvo, Anais FerrerMiami Ad School, MadridSpain
AdvertisingGraziaSecondRebecca Gatehouse, Claire NashBuckinghamshire New UniversityUK
AdvertisingGraziaCommendationJohn FrayneUniversity of LincolnUK
AdvertisingeBaySecondErik Högfeldt, Petter Hernmarck, Gustav JohanssonBerghs School Of CommunicationSweden
AdvertisingeBayStudent of the YearPetra Muda, Harri LeppalaBerghs School Of CommunicationSweden
AdvertisingCreate Not HateSecondAndreas Rasmussen, Ben Holder, Justin Salice-StephanMiami Ad School, HamburgGermany
AdvertisingCreate Not HateCommendationLaura Davies, Mark LeesBirmingham Institute of Art & DesignUK
AdvertisingCreate Not HateCommendationAmy Holman, Toby DerhamUniversity College FalmouthUK
AdvertisingCreate Not HateCommendationRafael Martínez Gonzalvo, Anais FerrerMiami Ad School, MadridSpain
AdvertisingCreate Not HateCommendationMarlon WattsUniversity of GloucestershireUK
AdvertisingCreate Not HateCommendationAdam Marzec, Tytus KlepaczUniwersytet JagiellonskiPoland
Graphic DesignCrisisSecondLindsey WhittleNorthumbria UniversityUK
Graphic DesignCrisisFirstChris Lurcook, Laura Beard, Victoria FannonUniversity of GloucestershireUK
Graphic DesignCrisisFirstPaul JohnsonNorthumbria UniversityUK
Graphic DesignCrisisCommendationChristopher PilkingtonNorthumbria UniversityUK
Graphic DesignHomebaseSecondJames BrownUniversity of GloucestershireUK
Graphic DesignHomebaseFirstVicky BarlowUniversity College FalmouthUK
Graphic DesignHomebaseFirstStuart SutchUniversity College for the Creative Arts at EpsomUK
Graphic DesignHomebaseCommendationGary CutterCoventry UniversityUK
Graphic DesignHomebaseCommendationBenedetto FantauzzoStaffordshire UniversityUK
Graphic DesignHomebaseCommendationMarie Jackson, Michael GreenhalghEast Lancashire Institute of Higher EducationUK
Graphic DesignThe Brand UnionFirstMartin Batt, Anders GodalCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
Graphic DesignThe Brand UnionCommendationDavid SheppardBirmingham Institute of Art & DesignUK
Graphic DesignFaber & FaberSecondRobert AgrenCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
Graphic DesignFaber & FaberStudent of the YearMicheline MannionCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
Graphic DesignFaber & FaberCommendationYouness BenaliCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
Graphic DesignTaxiSecondBradley HallSouthampton Solent UniversityUK
Graphic DesignTaxiFirstAdam St John, Meghan FredrichChicago Portfolio SchoolUS
Graphic DesignTaxiCommendationAshley Cagle, Jon Donaghy, Ashley SchurottThe Creative CircusUS
Graphic DesignTaxiCommendationKamran KhanalviNottingham Trent UniversityUK
Graphic DesignBBCSecondBenjamin BrecklerUniversity College for the Creative Arts at MaidstoneUK
Graphic DesignBBCSecondPhil McneillNottingham Trent UniversityUK
Graphic DesignBBCFirstChristian Söderholm, Dennis RosenqvistHyper IslandSweden
Graphic DesignBBCCommendationSteven EveringtonNorthumbria UniversityUK
CraftScience MuseumSecondSarra HornbyCoventry UniversityUK
CraftScience MuseumSecondJames NorthcoteMiddlesex UniversityUK
CraftScience MuseumSecondAlex HarrisonCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
CraftScience MuseumCommendationJenny McevoyUniversity of Central Lancashire UCLANUK
CraftScience MuseumCommendationDane Rich, Xuan HoangCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
CraftScience MuseumCommendationLasse Lüders, Hauke VogtDesign Factory InternationalGermany
CraftScience MuseumCommendationSzu-Yi ChangCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
CraftKPMGSecondJan-Eric SkevikChelsea College of Art and DesignUK
CraftKPMGSecondJack FeatherstoneChelsea College of Art and DesignUK
CraftPhotoVoiceSecondJamie SchusterMiddlesex UniversityUK
CraftPhotoVoiceCommendationEkaterina GorbunovaUniversity of LeedsUK
CraftPhotoVoiceCommendationSimon BallLoughborough UniversityUK
Integrated CommunicationThe Co-operativeSecondEmma HardwidgeUniversity of SalfordUK
Integrated CommunicationThe Co-operativeFirstBorja Diego, Javier Iñiguez de Onzoño Martín, Alex KatzMiami Ad School, MadridSpain
Integrated CommunicationThe Co-operativeCommendationVincenzo Avanzato, Luca Fontana, Barbara Murgia, Silvia RivoltaAccademia di ComunicazioneItaly
Environmental DesignFormica LimitedSecondEkaterina KitainaLondon College of CommunicationUK
Environmental DesignFormica LimitedSecondTina NorthoverLondon College of CommunicationUK
Environmental DesignFormica LimitedCommendationSatoki KuwanoLondon College of CommunicationUK
Environmental DesignHamleysSecondTom Carey, Grace Coughlan, Tara WoolnoughKingston UniversityUK
Environmental DesignHamleysFirstMadeleine SargentMiddlesex UniversityUK
Environmental DesignHamleysCommendationElla Collinge, Joanna Harrison, Zoe BarrettKingston UniversityUK
Environmental DesignHamleysCommendationJung-Kuan Chen, Chiang Po-Hsun, Wang NicholasNational Taiwan University of ArtsTaiwan
Product DesignDesign CouncilFirstAaron Mccarthy, Emily ChurchesUniversity of GloucestershireUK
Product DesignDesign CouncilFirstHelena Nora VitolaCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
Product DesignDesign CouncilCommendationLinda Weitgasser, Alexandra SattleckerBuckinghamshire New UniversityUK
Product DesignMatthew HiltonSecondTeppo ReivoLahti Institute of DesignUK
Product DesignMatthew HiltonSecondDavid LewisUniversity of LeedsUK
Product DesignMatthew HiltonFirstAndrew MurrayNapier UniversityUK
Product DesignFortnum & MasonSecondRobbie Henderson, Louisa TuelyEdinburgh College of ArtUK
Product DesignFortnum & MasonSecondJessica Macdonald, Nia MurphyCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
Product DesignFortnum & MasonCommendationCallum LivingstoneDuncan of Jordanstone College of ArtUK
Music VideoXL RecordingsFirstHarry HandysideChelsea College of Art and DesignUK
Music VideoXL RecordingsFirstAnastasia Afonina, Chris Lee, Mel Hsieh, Sam PillingCentral Saint Martins College of Art and DesignUK
Music VideoXL RecordingsCommendationCressida O'mahonyUniversity of LeedsUK
Music VideoXL RecordingsCommendationHarry Fisher, Alex Moody, Thomas Harrison, James Dunford, Rory MartinezLeeds College of Art & DesignUK
Music VideoXL RecordingsCommendationEmily ForbesChelsea College of Art and DesignUK
Music VideoXL RecordingsCommendationDaniel CantwellDIT - Dublin Institute of TechnologyIreland
Open BriefFrench ConnectionSecondSarah Elizabeth MayesColchester InstituteUK
Open BriefFrench ConnectionSecondMatt KnowlesNottingham Trent UniversityUK
Open BriefFrench ConnectionCommendationTomas Alcazar, Kevin Waltz, Jorge DelgadoMiami Ad School, MadridSpain
Open BriefHPSecondArvid Lithander, Temur Sattarov, Henrik DüfkeMiami Ad School, HamburgGermany
Open BriefHPSecondMatt Robinson, Tom WrigglesworthKingston UniversityUK
Open BriefHPCommendationErik HalsEdinburgh College of ArtUK
Open BriefD&ADSecondHallvard Fjeldbraaten, Morten HalvorsenWesterdals School of CommunicationNorway
Open BriefD&ADSecondTherese Jonsson, Magnus IvanssonBerghs School Of CommunicationSweden
Open BriefD&ADSecondHarri Leppala, Therese Jonsson, Tor LemhagBerghs School Of CommunicationSweden
Open BriefD&ADFirstToby Burkill, Lauren Traynor, Danny Elliott, Steve FennUniversity of LincolnUK
Open BriefD&ADFirstPetter Prinz, Samuel NilssonBeckmans School of DesignSweden
Open BriefD&ADCommendationDaniel SimmondsHereford College of ArtsUK
Open BriefD&ADCommendationLewis Woolner, Elliott Mariess, Ashley Maine, Laura Bowman, Jamie BreachKingston UniversityUK
Open BriefD&ADCommendationJose Hernandez, Anna Oddbjörn, Tor LemhagBerghs School Of CommunicationSweden

All of the work, including the additional 18 first prizes and 36 second prizes, may be viewed at

D&AD is a British not-for-profit organisation that represents the international design, advertising and creative communities. Its inaugural awards ceremony was held in 1963. For more, go to, read the D&AD blog, join the D&AD Facebook group, follow @dandad on Twitter, view D&AD on YouTube and D&AD photos on Flickr.

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