Ex-hawker launches retail stores

The first More Home-Ware and House-Ware Store has been opened in Soweto, by Michael More, an informal trader for the last 10 years, it was announced on Monday, 1 June 2009.
Michael More identified a gap in the market and saw an opportunity.
Michael More identified a gap in the market and saw an opportunity.

More Home-Ware and House-Ware Stores sell imported and locally manufactured house-ware goods at wholesale prices direct to the residents of the world-famous Second Economy community of Soweto and soon in the rest of South Africa.

More is also an executive member of the hawker and informal movement, the South African National Retail Traders Alliance (SANTRA). For the last 10 years he's been busy selling basic food products, such tomatoes, potatoes, apples and oranges on the dusty streets of Soweto and central Johannesburg.

Trial run

For the last two years More has been attending Second Eye Economy workshops with the Eye Level Experience team, observing new trends in South African society. During his two-year observation programme he identified a gap within the home-ware and house-ware retail market.

After a trial run of six months, More identified a prime spot for his first store in Mofolo North, in Soweto.

When sourcing finance became impossible, More took his hard-earned savings and bought stock of R300 000, upgraded the place and branded the store. "Michael More has done exceedingly well to identify the gap in the market and went the extra mile by investing his own hard-earned funds. We at UFSA firmly stand behind Michael More knowing that his business enterprise will create jobs in the townships for the township people," said Phillip Williams, president, Unemployment Forum South Africa.

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