Explore culture in action - Join Happy Sandpit’s upcoming 3-day field trip in Johannesburg

Happy Sandpit is excited to kick off 2025 with its highly anticipated three-day culture field trip, taking place in Johannesburg from 25-27 February. This immersive programme offers participants the chance to learn from six of South Africa’s most culture-forward organisations, gaining practical insights into building thriving workplaces.
Explore culture in action - Join Happy Sandpit’s upcoming 3-day field trip in Johannesburg

The field trip itinerary includes exclusive access to industry leaders, facilitated discussions, and actionable takeaways designed to help participants implement real cultural change within their businesses.

Upcoming events for 2025:

Three-day field trip

  • Johannesburg: 13-15 May | 5-7 August | 21-23 October
  • Cape Town: 25-27 March | 16-18 September
  • Durban: 15-17 July

Two-day culture bootcamp

  • Johannesburg: 11-12 March | 22-23 July
  • Cape Town: 6-7 May | 14-15 October

Two-day culture lab

  • Johannesburg: 27-28 May
  • Cape Town: 10-11 June

New employee induction workshop

  • Johannesburg: 10 April | 6 November

Two-day culture summit

  • Johannesburg: 10-11 September

With a packed calendar of events designed to help organisations thrive, the Field Trip is the perfect start to a year of cultural transformation.

For more information or to register, visit www.happysandpit.com.

For more, visit: https://www.bizcommunity.com