Approved for a secondary listing on A2X Markets (A2X), MAS shares will be available for trade on the platform from 14 September. The real estate investment company will retain its primary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and its issued share capital will be unaffected by its secondary listing.

MAS CEO Irina Grigore
MAS predominantly has interests in Central and Eastern Europe, managing and investing in retail property across Romania, Bulgaria and Poland. MAS additionally benefits from downside-protected exposure to commercial and residential developments via the development joint venture with developer Prime Kapital.
Says MAS CEO Irina Grigore: “We see this secondary listing as a way to provide our shareholders with an opportunity to enhance returns through access to additional liquidity, narrower spreads and lower transaction fees on A2X.”
Markets & Investment 29 Aug 2022
The listing will bring the number of instruments available for trade on A2X to 71 with a combined market capitalisation of around R5tn. MAS joins property companies NEPI Rockcastle, Growthpoint Properties, Equites Property Fund, Fairvest Limited and SA Corporate Real Estate which already have secondary listings on A2X.