Icon Oncology grants to provide better access to cancer care

South Africa's foremost provider of private oncology services has launched a grant initiative to provide cancer patients with better access to cancer care. Icon Oncology Holdings today announced the project aimed at funding social development opportunities within the oncology and supporting services sector.
Icon Oncology grants to provide better access to cancer care

According to COO, Dr Ernst Marais, the grants of up to R50,000 per successful application is open to individuals, small businesses or NGOs focused on initiatives that are aligned to BBEE principles.

“Importantly, a successful candidate must present a compelling case aligned to our purpose which is to provide cancer patients the opportunity to lead healthier lives. This is an ideal opportunity for start-ups, smaller NGOs and even academics who can make a tangible impact in the lives of cancer patients,” says Marais.

Since its inception, Icon Oncology has pioneered the move to value-based care model to ensure the sustainability of oncology in the country and to provide better access to quality cancer care for more South Africans.

Interested parties can answer the call for expression of interest by submitting the application and supporting documents as outlined here:

  • Download the application form here.
  • Please provide concise answers to each question.
  • Submit the form electronically (handwritten applications will not be accepted).
  • Submit the application to Dr Melisa Pillay az.oc.asnoci@yallipm include ‘expression of interest form’ in the subject line.
  • Deadline for submissions is 30 June 2022.

For more information visit www.iconsa.co.za.

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