New star on the Orange River

Orange River Cellars has produced a new brand for the global wine market, Star Tree, which is specifically aimed at the American and European wine consumer.

"This is a very exciting project because we have produced a high quality product and are able to supply the volumes, globally, to be a real global brand contender," says marketing manager Koos Visser.

Award-winning wine label designer of Vanessa Fogel was approached to create this unique design: "We wanted to create a uniquely South African brand that was not too ethnic, but had a strong emphasis of where the wine came from, and was modern and sophisticated. With the use of a modern 'African colour palette', solid design and the most modern printing technologies, we have been able to create a brand that can compete with any of the global brands out there."

The design centres on the Quiver Tree which is unique to the wine producing area of Orange river Cellars. The fossil-like 'Star tree' (Quiver Tree) is indigenous to the hot dry arid region of the Northern Cape.

Due to it's sponge like consistency, the trunk and branches could easily be hollowed out to make quivers by the ancient San people, who formerly inhabited this area.

The tree only blossoms after 20 to 30 years and can reach 300 years of age, and 40 foot in height.

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