Finance minister, Tito Mboweni, has announced a new board for the troubled Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA).

Fulvio Tonelli, new chair of IRBA
Fulvio Tonelli, a chartered accountant and former registered auditor, is a non-executive director of Absa and previously served as audit partner at listed firms including Standard Bank and FirstRand, has been appointed chair of the body, and Naidene Ford-Hoon, an independent consultant and former head of advisory services at Firstrand and ex-chief financial officer at the South African Reserve Bank, will serve as deputy.
Accounting & Auditing 29 Jan 2021
The minister said in a statement that the board's first task is to initiate a process to elect and appoint the new chief executive officer and to work with management to restore staff morale.
Accounting & Auditing 17 Feb 2021
“The last 18 months were challenging, however, the staff remained focused and committed to achieving the objectives of the organisation,” a statement said.
Mboweni expressed his sincere gratitude to the caretaker board comprising Nonkululeko Gobodo and General Roy Andersen. “We are indebted to Mrs Gobodo and General Andersen for their hard work and patriotism over the past few months, and overseeing the process to establish a stable and credible BoD for the auditing profession."