Great Stock! – premiere source for full spectrum of South African images

As a leading South African provider of all types of imagery, including motion and photography, Great Stock! has been investing in high quality local images for many years.
Great Stock! – premiere source for full spectrum of South African images

Motion content (footage) with a very distinctly South African and African flavour has been created by many of the country's top commercials DOP's and directors, mostly captured on 35mm film. This footage spans many thousands of selected clips on a wide variety of themes, and offers high production values, including stunning aerials, contemporary themes and time-lapse. Great Stock! footage has been warmly received by top international ad agencies, production companies and has featured in several recent “A list” Hollywood movies. To view movie clips click here.

In the photographic arena, the company has also been active for several years, utilising the talents of acclaimed commercial shooters such as Michael Meyersfeld, Horst Klemm, David Braun and many others. Production has been ramped up considerably over recent years to cover the company's growing needs for great Rights Managed and Royalty Free images with local flavour.

The company reports increasing collaboration with black South African photographers who can offer great production values combined with authenticity – the most important qualities needed by discerning clients.

Great Stock! aims to provide the full spectrum of image requests, from grassroots to the burgeoning “black diamonds” categories, and everything in-between, according to MD Margi Sheard: “Great Stock! has forged a strong international reputation for our African and South African material, on both the motion and stills fronts, over many years. Whilst some of our local shooters have covered other continents like Europe, Australasia and even Antarctica with great results, it is our acclaimed local imagery that we are particularly proud of."

This local imagery is marketed under the aFRIKA Collection brand, and now includes motion, all of it accessible via

To view the latest still images from the aFRIKA Collection click here.

For more info call 011 880-7826 or e-mail

Images, Motion, Services sums up our complementary raft of services - aimed primarily at professionals in the fields of advertising, design, publishing, production and broadcasting. Our expertise and hands-on experience in these fields have been the foundation of our enterprise for more than two decades.

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