Deadline looms for SAB Environmental Awards

Entries close on 31 August 2007 for the SAB Environmental Journalists and Environmentalist of the Year Awards. These awards are for journalists covering crucial developments in the environmental arena, as well as honouring an environmentalist who has promoted the cause of conservation and whose work will leave a legacy for years to come.

The awards focus on the entire spectrum of “green” and “brown” issues – green issues address natural or ecological matters and brown issues focus on cities and urban concerns such as waste in our streets, polluted air etc – and are open to all media disciplines, from print to independent film makers and production houses. Winners will be announced in Johannesburg on Thursday, 11 October 2007

Each of the three awards carries a cash prize of R15 000 and a trophy. Merit prizes carry a prize of R2000 each. The 2007 awards will be adjudicated based on work produced between 1 August 2006 and 31 July 2007. Work submitted must have been published or broadcast in South Africa. All individuals are invited to submit their work or nominate colleagues' work.

Carbon friendly

One of the most crucial issues facing countries today is climate change. Early last year the national greening organisation Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA) launched the Carbon Standard to make it easy and affordable for government, individuals, corporations and communities to measure their carbon footprints and offset carbon emissions by planting trees.

For the first time, this year's SAB Environmental Awards will be carbon friendly, and this will be achieved by planting fruit trees in Soweto to offset the event's carbon emissions. The trees will form part of the Greening Soweto Project run by FTFA, which aims to distribute 200 000 fruit and indigenous trees to 200 000 residents of Soweto in a move to improve the environment and to ensure it is a place that will welcome all visitors expected for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

For more information about the awards and to download an entry form, go to

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