Twenty years later, the Wetpaint odyssey continues

New clients. New team members. New tricks to old trades.
Twenty years later, the Wetpaint odyssey continues

The titular journey in the epic Greek classic, The Odyssey, lasted a full 10 years and saw the eponymous Odysseus facing challenges beyond his imagining as he and his crew made their long way home to Ithaca at the end of the Trojan War.

As 2017 comes to a close, so too does the second decade of Wetpaint’s own odyssey – replete with its own previously unimagined challenges, obstacles, wins, losses and war stories aplenty. We’ve been navigating our choppy waters for twice as long as Odysseus was at sea, but unlike him, we’re not lost nor are we searching the horizon for an end to our odyssey.

We’re lining our sextant up to the stars and plotting the course ahead.

So, we’ll be greeting 2018, our 21st birthday year, and the beginning of the next leg of our trip with a reinvigorated sense of purpose, new clients to serve and an expansion on the capabilities that have seen us through our journey thus far.

For the past couple of months we’ve been sweating blood to win new contracts, renew old partnerships and prepare for the rollout of 2018’s campaigns, making sure that each is executed with Wetpaint’s signature style of awesomeness.

Going forward, we welcome heavyweight brands; Avroy Shlain, Diesel and Ithuba aboard for the milestone year ahead and excitedly thank them for the opportunity to turn our creativity toward earning them the sorts of results that we’ve built our reputation on.

With their entrance, we have recognised the need to beef up our crew. And so, we’ve brought in some fresh talent and filled out our creative and digital teams with new members. Supplementing and enhancing our current capacity in this way makes sure that both our existing clients and the new arrivals get as much of our attention as they deserve.

On top of this, you’ll notice the sunny smile of a new face greeting you when you visit the Wetpaint offices going forward. That’s Fenestia Tazvivinga, our new receptionist and administrative assistant.

In addition to her various behind-the-scenes duties, Fenestia will be the one making sure you feel welcome when you stop by, and that you’re stocked up on snacks and beverages while you’re here.

Finally, 2018 will see us deploying our new Digital Assets in earnest, enhancing the SEO of our clients’ sites with an innovative tactic cooked up by our SEO & Digital Manager.

It’s a storied journey that brought Wetpaint from our 1997 roots as a strictly graphic design company to our 2017 position at the pinnacle of integrated marketing in South Africa. Now, looking forward to the trials, tribulations and triumphs ahead, all we can say is batten down the hatches and hoist the mainsail – it’s full speed ahead!

For more information on Wetpaint, our integrated marketing and advertising services, and how to join us on our journey, contact us today!

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