Higher education scholarship scheme expands

In 2017, Pearson will fund 12 full scholarships for first year students and 47 half-scholarships for second and third years at its Pearson Institute and CTI higher education campuses across the country.
Higher education scholarship scheme expands
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The programme started in 2016 with seven full Pearson Scholars, and MD of CTI Education Group Dr Nhlanhla Thwala says it’s being expanded significantly for next year. “Now more than ever we need to ensure that top South African students are supported to pursue their academic dreams and ultimately to reach their potential in the workplace.”

Among the initial scholarship recipients were 19-year-old Gwynneth Lokwe from Soweto who matriculated at Hӧerskool Westonaria before starting her Bachelor of Science in Biomedicine degree this year with the ultimate goal of specialising in forensics.

Caitlin van Ballegooyen is another Pearson Scholar studying BSc Biomedicine. She went to Boksburg High School and sees her future in clinical pharmacology trials. She’s the first person in her family to have access to tertiary education.

Other 2016 Pearson Scholars are studying BCom (Law), BSc (Information Technology) and Higher Certificate Information Systems (Engineering).

Applications for 2017 Pearson Scholarships close on 20 January. Details can be found at www.pearsoninstitute.ac.za or www.cti.ac.za.

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