Low cost airline Mango recently launched its new on-board menu. The new selection is available on all domestic and Zanzibar flights and was designed to provide Guests with greater variety during travel.
Choices now include a breakfast croissant assortment and pastry baskets as well as additions suited to other daytime snack instances and is a significant departure from the airline's previous offering of an all-day sandwich service. Items were selected based on traveler feedback and research over a 6 month period.
"Following months of research, guest feedback and consultation our new menu was designed to provide a palatable snack service on board with ease of consumption on-board, taste and variety at the top of our agenda," says spokesperson Hein Kaiser.
New menu items include breakfast-time pastry baskets and filled croissants while sandwiches have been replaced by filled, seeded rolls in traditional chicken, beef and vegetarian. Rusks, biscuits, savoury snacks and healthy confection bars also count amongst the new items available.
During a week-long soft launch period the menu was well received on board, adds Kaiser with new look rolls and breakfast pastry baskets at poll position. "The response has been encouraging and we look forward to ongoing feedback as our on-board offering evolves over time." All menu items are also packaged in recyclable material. "As part of our on-going effort to minimize up and downstream emissions and pollution, all packaging of our new menu items are recyclable," says Kaiser.