Youngsters driving mobile video trend

Mobile video is growing and young consumers are setting the trend.

The latest global video index shows that consumers under the age of 18 are driving the adoption of mobile video, and see it as the core platform for their video entertainment.

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According to the report, almost half of all video plays are on mobile devices. Smartphones lead the way, with as many as eight times more plays than tablets.

The report also states that millennials [those born between 1982 and 1993] have driven this at an annual growth rate of more than 111% since 2012.

"Increasingly in living rooms you'll see the TV on and kids aren't even watching it because they're on their tablets or smartphones," said technology expert Simon Dingle.

"They're watching media created by people uploading amateur content of themselves doing things. They're interested in seeing what other real people are doing with their time."

Chanel Mackay, from digital solution company Atmosphere Orange, said entry-level smartphones had become more affordable, and video consumption was mostly a result of social media shares.

"Video content is more likeable content to share as it can conjure emotions while enticing engagement," she said.

"If you hold a [12.7cm] smartphone up at arm's length, the viewing space of that screen is actually bigger than a [140cm] screen on your wall three metres away."

"Big-screen TVs will still have a place in homes in future, but they won't be the primary device for consumption anymore."

Source: The Times

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