5FM leads with podcasting

5FM has become the first commercial radio station in South Africa to podcast as part of its standard radio broadcast & live web streaming-offering. The first 30 minutes of Roger Goode's Saturday Surgery on Saturdays from 6pm to 10pm is now available as a weekly podcast making it possible for listeners to download Roger's sultry sounds.

Podcasting is a method of publishing audio programs via the internet. Users download software which constantly searches for new content and updates automatically. This means that subscribers can listen and replay content when they want to.

5FM's station manager John Langford says: "Contemporary youth culture is all about managing your lifestyle and expressing your individuality through the technology you use. Our listeners now have a choice to listen to selected 5FM content on their own terms."

Roger Goode's Saturday Surgery will be published every Monday on the 5FM website as a download for replay on MP3-enabled devices.

Go to www.5fm.co.za to download the podcast for Roger Goode's Saturday Surgery.

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