Media24 gets Real

Sudden Thought Ventures recently announced the sale of a 50% stake in Real, reportedly South Africa's second largest black female monthly magazine, to Media24. A newly formed company, Thought24 Publishing, jointly owned by the two companies, will publish Real.
Media24 gets Real

MD of Sudden Thought and publisher of Real, Jonathan Harris, says that this move presents a great opportunity for Real and the dedicated team behind it.

“We aim to work very closely with Media24's Women's Magazine Division to build on Real's tremendous success to date and drive the brand forward over the coming years,” says Harris.

Mari Lategan, publisher of Media 24's Women's Magazines, believes the title will fit well alongside True Love and True Love Babe.

Real has developed into a strong brand within the black female magazine market, with a growing loyal readership and a well defined editorial focus. This acquisition will enhance the position of Media24's Women's Magazine Division within this exciting magazine segment,” she says.

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