Seafood aquarium

BANGKOK, THAILAND: LG's new range of SolarDom ovens represented a new development in the humble microwave oven. Using a system known as lightwave technology, the SolarDom range claimed to offer faster cooking times and better result. To promote the release, LG needed an eye-catching ambient installation that would create customer curiosity, and drive footfall to LG products within stores.
Seafood aquarium

To demonstrate the super-fast cooking capabilities of the product, LG selected one of the biggest department stores in South East Asia as the scene for its solution. A giant fish tank was located within the food court, and filled with fish. However, to demonstrate the speed of the product, this tank was not filled with regular fish, but instead with robotic replicas of cooked fish. Grilled saba steaks, fried mackerel and deep-fried shrimp swam around the tank.

The tank was framed with a banner that read "Ready to eat. LG Solardom cooks food 4 times faster." LG's idea was that the LG SolarDom could cook food so much faster, it was just like taking fresh fish out of a tank and eating it right away.


The electronics section within the department store saw 60% increase in consumer inquiries.
The campaign won a gold Outdoor Lion at Cannes 2011.

Why is this on Cream? The OOH channel allows for some brilliant creative invention, and you can't get much more inventive than a swimming fish steak.

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